Adding a result from a final external exam

Debbie.T.406 Posts: 31 🌱
edited September 19 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

I've set up a grade book which has a final grade element that makes up 100% of the final grade, following earlier advice from you about the best way to add a result from a final external exam (see earlier discussion).

How am I best now to add manually grades for individual candidates, bearing in mind that I have candidates for the same subject that are involved in different classes with different teachers? I need to find the correct course that the candidate is in to add their final grade.

I can do this in the following way (see below), but can you work out an easier way to do this that involves fewer steps?

Hope you can help.


How to enter a final grade

Go to Admin Tools and select Users to search for candidate name

Click arrow to right of name and select ‘manage user enrolments’

Copy org unit code which relates to the exam result.

Click the select a course waffle and past the org unit code in the search box.

Select the course and click ‘grades’ in the navbar

Add the final result for the candidate and click save.


  • Hi Debbie,

    Grades are course-specific so I think that this is the best advice for you.

    If these were linked to something like an Assignment, you'd be able to use something like QuickEval to quickly see your evaluations in one view.

  • Debbie.T.406
    Debbie.T.406 Posts: 31 🌱

    Hi Megan

    OK - so you think I've used the best approach. Thank you for the confirmation.

    Would use of QuickEval mean you could see the results of an assignment over different courses?

