Students who do not attempt a quiz -- can't publish feedback? can they see their score of zero?
I use many small quizzes in my class. Students often fail to attempt a quiz -- they simply do not do them. I don't understand what a student sees after a quiz expires if they failed to attempt it. How do I assign them a Zero? Can brightspace do this automatically? Is there a way to publish feedback for them that they can…
Voice Recorded Feedback
Hello Everyone, I have just begun using the voice recording option for giving students feedback. For some reason, some of my students do not seem to see the recorded feedback link to access it, and I don't know the student site well enough to help them navigate. Does any one have any insight on what the problem might be…
Display name on printable badge
Hello, We'd like the ability to display the badge recipient's name on the printable/shareable version of the badge. At the moment there is no way to confirm who the recipient is just by looking at the badge. Is this possible? Or does it need to go to the PIE? What we currently see: Thanks, Michelle
Downloads from D2L are now being directed to Brightspace instead of the normal download process.
Where do I get my downloads?
Data Set - Attendance
Hi, I tried to download the attendance for a course via Data Set and was given blank .csv file. Pls assist.
Median for aggregating grades
Is there any easy way to use the median rather than the mean/average as the aggregation for a group of grades? Median is not even one of the functions available if you add a formula item to the gradebook, so I cannot add a formula or calculated column to use. I just want to get to the point I can say here are X number of…
Can an intelligent agent be used to tally overall lateness of assignments for a class? or workaround
Opening file submissions
When grading assignments, is there a way to have the assignment submission automatically open when moving between student submissions vs. clicking the file to open each time. For this course in particular students have to submit in .pdf format, so when trying to grade submissions for numerous students at a time, I find you…
Can User Records Be Merged?
We need to merge user records for staff who have changed programs and have activity under old Brightspace accounts. If this is possible, can someone walk us through this process?
Can I retrieve a list of users who completed a survey?
Hi, I would like to know if there is a way in which I can do an API request for obtaining a list of users and their id's that have completed a survey. Thank you.
Adding Outcomes to Grades Mastery view
Once you have your Outcomes imported into your Course and set your achievement levels, how do you select outcomes to evaluate within the Gradebook?
Is a late deduction option for quizzes or assignments being developed?
I am aware that late assignments completed after a due date but before an end date are flagged. However, will an automatic deduction function be developed in the future for late quizzes or assignments? Has this been considered? This function is available in Canvas and publisher products such as Pearson Mastering.
Changing value of question in a quiz after writing
I've done all the logical things to make this happen, and it seems like such a simple issue is unfixable at present. One of my quizzes has a question valued at 5 points but it should have been 30. It appears it's impossible to correct this for anyone who has written the quiz. It boggles my mind that something so simple is…
Intelligent Agents - Feedback
Hello, I would like to implement a feature where an email is sent to the corresponding user when feedback is posted regarding his/her submission. I know there is a condition for this ("Receives feedback for submission folder: …"), but I would like to know if there is a way in which the message can contain the feedback…
Dynamic Quizzes?
Hi everyone, We have an instructor who would like to see some dynamic quizzing functionality in Brightspace D2L. Here is what he claims: --- I use the R/exams package to create assessments as Blackboard packages (see, e.g., https://www.r-exams.org/tutorials/exams2blackboard/). This tool creates dynamic quizzes by making a…
How do you weight grades?
How does one change the grade type (numberic vs. dropdown selections) on an assignment?
I have already created assignments and created grade items for them. I would like to change the assignment grading from numeric to be able to select from a drop down menu based on a grading scheme that I have already created. How do I do this?
Has there been a change to GRADES weights?
I have set up my GRADES to drop ungraded items. Recently I noticed a change as all of my students grades were suddenly either very low or too high. I discovered that I had graded one item from the next grade category. This category is worth 20% of the overall course mark. The one item that I graded was worth 1.5% of that…
Rubric Overall Score
Is there a way to remove/hide the "Overall Score" section from a Rubric? It seems redundant given that students can already see their total score, and the Gradebook already translates that score to a letter grade, or P/NP as applicable, for each assessment. Or alternatively, is there a way to put an equation in that'll…
Remove icon in post-submission message
Is there any way to remove the large "miscellaneous icons" image that appears after a student submits a quiz? This is what it looks like now: What I want it to look like: Tags: UX, User Experience