When I give students more than the assignment max it is posted but is not in total points
Even though I check can exceed in assignment rules , it will not add those extra points into the final grade total. Never had this happen before.
How can I easily locate and grade all ungraded submissions?
Using another LMS, I had a URL which would quickly list all ungraded submissions and I could sort and cycle through them to grade al ungraded submissions easily. I can't find any easy way to do this in BrightSpace. I have to go to Assignments, Advanced Search, then manually check 'unread submissions' (which is not the same…
Rubrics for grading
How do I copy rubrics from Blackboard?
How to grade quiz questions one at a time in Brightspace
For a quiz in Brightspace, is it possible to view all student submissions for a single question on one page? This was something the Grade Centre in Blackboard Original could do and was very convenient for grading essay questions in a consistent and more efficient manner. I haven't found similar functionality in…
How do I see submissions to students' self assessments?
I have link the self assessments to an assignment and I know that students have submitted the work but I am seeing no submissions.
Best way to integrate online in-class polls, attendance
This is our first semester using BrightSpace. We have Zoom available to us to use as a meeting application. I'd like to be able to have a report or keep track of who logged into the class (attendance) and, very importantly, periodically use polls for students to answer questions and keep track of who answers the…
why can't my students see the grades I've entered in the grading spreadsheet?
I have entered grades in the spreadsheet for all the Discussion weeks but students can only see the final grade in percentage
Have only 6 out of 11 grade items count towards a grade
We have 11 discussion topics for an Assessment. Students are only required to choose 6 out of the 11. The 6 items should be reflected in gradebook. How do we set the gradebook to reflect this as students may choose a random 6 topics. Some students will do 8, not 6 but only their best 6 will count. Others will only do 4. Is…
Outcomes Datasets
Hi, We are trying to build a dashboard in PowerBI, that shows which of our Learners have met or not met the outcomes on a course. However we are struggling to work out which datasets show which usersIDs have met each outcome. Does anyone know which dataset this is?
Special access summary shows "No users" regardless of actual user count
In the assessment page's Availability Dates & Conditions sidebar, under Special Access, the user summary now shows "No users" with a red error icon. Up until recently, this would show an accurate count of users who have been granted special access (eg. "138 users")." This seems to be a recently-introduced bug.
Can students see quiz questions and answers after completion in a single-attempt quiz?
Hello, I’m teaching a course with four sections, and I’ve set up a quiz in Brightspace that is limited to one attempt per student. The feedback settings are configured to release all questions and correct answers after the quiz. I want students to review their mistakes. However, I need to ensure that students cannot go…
Please direct me to Paws assignment
Show me how to navigate through Paws assignment
Recommended process for removing duplicate grade items from gradebook
Good morning everyone, When working with faculty needing to remove duplicate grade items can sometimes be a challenge. If the grade item is no longer associated with a quiz, assignment, or discussion, the process is simple. The issue occurs when an instructor accidently copies a course from a previous semester into a…
How can I verify that specific students have watched videos in an online asynchronous course?
How can I verify that specific students have watched videos in an online asynchronous course? Is there a way to run a detailed report listing how many times individual students have accessed a posted video? This was something I was easily able to do with Black Board.
quizzes need to be assignable to groups
This is fundamental to group active learning. A group of students should be able to open a quiz assigned to them as a group, work on it together, submit it, and then have the grade be assigned to all members of a group. The labor involved in having to assign the quiz grade, when one group member submits it, to all the…
Differentating the grade book for two groups of students
Is it possible to assign different grade weightings for the same assignment (e.g., an exam) within a course so that it counts as 15% of the final grade for one group of students and 20% for another group? My course includes honors and non-honors students, with different requirements for each group. I’ve set up groups and…
Display multiple images in-line in evaluation
Is there any way to display images in-line for evaluation? I am an art professor using BrightSpace and I regularly have students submitting 5-10 jpg images which I then have to click and open each link individually to view the jpg. As you might imagine, this is arduous when assessing a large class. For PDF files, the…
How do I create a Random Block?
How do I create a Random Block of 30 questions from a pool of 45 questions? Do I need to "pool" all "sections" the Question Library?
Unable to view Student & Parent/Guardian area in portfolios
Hello! I am a SuperAdmin and teacher building up the portfolio feature for my school. I have created a sample classroom and set up learning standards/outcomes in the course. It's just about ready to go, except when I view my sample student's portfolio submissions I can't see the "Student & Parent/Guardian" section where I…
I wish to list all forum posts by a specific student for any selected unit. How do I do that?
My university is using templates and so I do not have permissions to access many of the D2L functions. Currently we do not have access to the Rubric editor.