Brightspace Media Player and tracking user views

We want to be able to track which of our learners have watched a video (and ultimately if they watched the whole video or just 10minutes), I can't find anything obvious in the User Progress documentation or the Brightspace data sets that is about Media Player.
Was wondering if anyone knew if this was possible, and if it was which data set(s) is it that shows if they watched a specific video in media player?
I remember a conversation with D2L about media player back in May 2023 and I beleive at that point the datasets weren't available, but was wondering if this had now progressed and I'd missed the update about it.
@Christina.T.727 Hi Christina, the Content Service data sets include the Media Consumption Log that might provide what you need.
@Jennifer.W.973 - Ahh amazing thank you.
Yes this looks like it would provide what is needed.
Thanks for your help