Quiz question isn't updating
I have updated the wording within one of the quiz questions and saved the changes. When I visit the course (as a super admin) I can see the text change. When a learner sees the course, they still see the old text. Why are we seeing different texts? Is there an update delay?
Quizzes should be able to be assigned to groups
We need quizzes assigned to groups so that they can be autograded for 600 people (150 groups). Manual grading of this many groups is too labor intensive for the grading hours that we have available. Please link other threads on this in the replies and I will upvote them. Thanks.
Different grade options for students in the same class
Hi, I have an instructor who wants to give students a quiz out of 19 marks. If they don't pass they can rewrite that quiz but only for a maximum of 80% and a third time but only for a maximum of 60%. Is there a way to set up a gradebook to allow for all three of these options for the same quiz?
Video assignments and grade Mastery View
We have a Video Assignment linked to multiple standards. When viewing Grades in Mastery View the standards linked to the video assignment don't appear at all. Is this because unlike regular Assignments, Video Assignments can be linked to the course's standards coverage, but can only be marked using a rubric? Is there a way…
How do I import IMSCC files?
I would love to use my textbook to it's fullest capacity, and import the test banks to my course. How do I import files with the .IMSCC file extension? Thank you, Sara Salter, BS RDH
Is there such a button for mass updating quizzes as opposed to mass publishing
I can mass publish a classes quiz however i am wanting to know if i can mass update an auto-graded quiz so i can have my name attached to it. Please let me know if this is a possibility. Attached is a picture to explained this better. Thanks
How do I embed self-assessments into student Portfolios?
I am an instructional coach in Ontario, Canada. We are just starting to use the Portfolio feature in secondary schools in our board. We want to use portfolios so that we can track student progress and provide better formative assessment and feedback. Is there a way for students to respond to self-assessment questions…
Assignments not synching to gradebook
Hello, Even though I have assignments marked "In Grade Book," the assignments are not showing in the Grade Book. Do I still have to manually enter the assignments in the grade book? Or will this create duplicates? Thank you!
New User
Hi there I am new to this how do I view my class course and homework? Any and all information would be helpful!
Exporting Discussion Post
Hello, We have some users that would like to export Discussion Post. They would like the export to include the context of the discussion post, and the replies of the students. In addition, they would like the author's and student's names to remain anonymous. Is this possible? I did not see a way of doing this. Thank you.
how to create a test that selects a few questions from sections of the test bank
One of my tests includes every test question available. I cannot figure out what to create to have it select 2 questions from each subsection, Thanks
reassessment of assignments
Hello, I wonder how to best set up re-assessment of student work for assignments they failed. If I create another assignment, the previous grade in the grade book seems to be still counted towards their final grade. What is the best solution here? I can't seem to find any information on how to set these up.
Exempt Grade from main "Enter Grade" screen
Right now, if I want to exempt a student from an assignment, I have to go Grades Tool → Specific Assignment → Enter Grades → Select Student (checkbox) → Select Exempt (at top). That may make sense if I'm manually grading assignments, but I get a lot of assignments automatically passed from publisher sites or such, so the…
Completion Tracking
Hi - is this available in the New Content Experience? If it is, is it something my admin needs to turn on because I can't find it. Thank you 😊
Why are my quiz grades publishing as only a colour code instead of a percentage?
I copied by quizzes over from last year and never had this issue. I set them to automatically mark and publish the grade for a student to see immediately. This year, they are not publishing a percentage grade, only a coloured box/dot that is a vague indicator of how well they did (Red/orange=below 70, Yellow=70-80,…
Students only see a colour (not percentage) when viewing their attempt grade.
I've attached a screenshot of a quiz grade in student view that only shows a coloured dot to indicate the grade was in the 90-100% range. I want it to also show the exact percentage they earned. All questions are auto-graded and the correct percentage does appear in my grade book in teacher view. It's just that the…
Student submissions to assignment folder with " " or __ in file name will not open
We had a bunch of students submit to an assignment folder and they used quotation marks in the file name. None of these files would open for the teacher so she could use the annotation tool. We ended up downloading and uploading all of the files again. We've also seen this with underscore at the start of a file name. Any…
What happens when I null a students grade?
If I change a student's grade to null will he be able to take the quiz again if the quiz has a limit of one time?
Copying Awards/Certificates across courses or other Brightspace instances
The course import/export/copy tool does not support copying Awards. Does anyone know of another way to replicate Awards across courses or to another Brightspace instance without having to manually recreate all of them?
Are content views via Pulse tracked?
Hi, if a student views content (topics) via the Pulse app, are these tracked as Content views? I recall that some years ago they weren't, I think this was fixed but can't find any reference to it. Many thanks, Tim