Graded assignments won't show proficiency scale unless you put in a point

Monica.M.241 Posts: 11 🌱
Hello. I'm an online teacher in British Columbia. Our school recently switched to D2L.

I spent my entire weekend marking (using the proficiency scale/learning standards). Since the province is moving away from grades and points, it seemed superfluous to use the old rubrics with points embedded into the assignments from last year. Today I opened my gradebook to see that ALL the assignments I marked do not show up as marked...even though I added comments and used the learning standards/proficiency scale.

Is there NO way to bulk edit this quickly? The bulk edit feature doesn't show the proficiency scale unless I put in a mark. So now I have to go in manually and adjust hundreds of assignments. This seems like so much extra work for teachers. How does Brightspace not have an option to eliminate points if the province and the country are moving away from them? So far I am finding D2L to be highly teacher-unfriendly. Especially when it comes to assessment.


  • Hi, @Monica.M.241!

    Sorry to hear you're feeling this way! My name is Whitney and I'm the D2L Customer Success Specialist for BC K-12, and a former BC teacher. I don't think we've met yet, but I've been supporting Chris and Laura at KLEOS this past year on your Brightspace initiatives - along with my colleagues, @Melissa.H.512, @Shauna.M.370, and @Pilar.M.32.

    I have passed on your questions and concerns, along with the custom D2L BC training session on proficiency based assessment practice in Brightspace, to Chris and Laura for them to use to support you with this initiative - I'll allow them to respond to you within the context of the choices they've made for your school and program.

    I will be more than happy to take your feedback and pass it along to the appropriate internal teams, as well. This information is important to providing our product teams with valuable user insight, especially around BCs innovation in assessment practice.

    Thank you for your post 😊

  • Monica.M.241
    Monica.M.241 Posts: 11 🌱

    Hi Whitney. Nice to e-meet you :). Thank you for your response. I appreciate your time. My team has been very supportive. More bulk editing options would save a tonne of time. I am happy to provide more specifics if you need.

    Thanks again 🤓
