Multiple Choice vs Matching Quiz for Answers with Numbers

Is there a way that the "Question 4" headings can be removed for multiple choice questions? Ideally I would like just the picture and no heading at all. It complicates things when the answers are numbers as well.
I tried to create this quiz as a Matching quiz, but that didn't work because again — the numbers complicate things. I just want a student to be able to say "5" — not have to select number "1" to mean number "5".
Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Best Answer
I ended up using Matching and figured out that I could put a double space in the answer box instead of a number or word.
Good question Chelsey! You raise two great points about quizzes: (1) we should be able to customize (including making invisible) the numbering system used in quizzes; and (2) the awkwardness of the "Matching" question type.
You're not alone in asking for these sorts of improvements. Specifically, I would recommend you check out the following items on the PIE and, if you agree with them, consider up-voting:
Enumeration for matching questions (D4107)
Revise Matching Questions (D9052)
Pasting Images in Matching Questions (D6734)
Matching question options (D8278)
Make images a standard size in IAT Matching (D8023)
Option to turn off Matching Question Randomization (D2573)
Matching questions - randomise both choices and matches (D7717)
When creating or editing Matching Questions, show Choices and Matches in two columns side by side (D1072)
Improved Question Creation for Matching and "Fill in the Blanks (D7844)
Matching question looks too messy and jumbled to use. Please make it look better :) (D5267)
As well, this last PIE item calls for MAJOR improvements to the available quiz question types and to the workflows required to create them:
BrightSpace quizzes in need of critical updates (D9656)
@Mike.B.559 Thank you for sharing these ideas with me! I have voted and hope that changes can be implemented in the near future!
I am used to drag and drop / drop down menu quizzes in Moodle. I can't believe that Brightspace doesn't have these quiz types. It has been a huge headache for me to modify excellent Moodle quizzes to become mediocre Brightspace quizzes. I often had to resort to fill in the blank questions where I had to create a word bank and suggest that students copy and paste the answers (so spelling isn't an issue).
"…modify excellent Moodle quizzes to become mediocre Brightspace quizzes."
Exactly right!