I am trying to access Product Exchange Ideas to vote (PIE) and I am do not have access.
There was a problem processing your authentication.Your username/password was invalid or your particular user does not exist on our system. If you have any questions please see your system administrator. Are you able to assist? Thanks, Maureen
Where to find Entity ID and Reply URL
My tech team is asking for what the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL). How do we find this information out? Many thanks!
Is it possible to allow instructors to unenroll without giving enrol permissions?
Our students are currently rostered in courses from our SIS using CSV Standard. When instructors merge their courses, SIS course registrations are added to the new parent course which is great. The problem is that when when students are withdrawn from the course in our SIS, there is no way to trigger an automatic…
ESL Tools
I NEED HELP! This is my 2nd year using Brightspace with my district and every semester I try to add more to my brightspace platform, The focus this semester is helping out my ESL population and trying to see if I can embed a tool that can translate information i post on brightspace and a tool that does text to speech.
How do I unmerge classes?
For all of the files I've created there is a big blanks space at the end of the published file.
When I've finished using the html editor to input my lesson and materials and save the file, there's a large empty space at the end before the editing options etc. at the end. The extra space isn't visible in the html editor, only after the file is saved/published. The blank space is insanely long and confusing for…
Quick Eval: removing an evaluator
My role has changed. I now have an admin role. A few course assignments continue to show up in my quick eval. How do I make that stop?
H5P - How to get these activities into your grade book?
I've made a some formative reviews using the fill in the blank QType with H5P — but I'm not sure how to get these to automogically get into my grade book. I tried making "Assignments" — H5P grades these, but then doesn't seem to add them to the grade book. I thought maybe I should use the "Quiz" and insert into…
Has anyone been encountering problems with Release Conditions lately?
I was wondering how to control the visibility of assignment submission folders and quizzes according to sections. I have attached released conditions to a Teacher Facilitator role so that they can only see assignment and quiz submissions specific to their section, but for some reason, they can still see all assignment…
Why do some of the questions in my quizzes disappear?
I have set up a number of quizzes and when I go back to look at them I have noticed that some of the questions have disappeared. What could be causing this?
Annual PD Training Course - Best way to set it up
One of our departments is looking to set up a mandatory professional learning course in the HUB with the following requirements: "I’m hoping that everyone can do all of the lessons at least once and then on an annual basis, since completing all of the lessons does take some time, I’d like to have the option to rotate the…
Students receiving notifications after completing course
Students are receiving email notifications after completing a course and being removed from the course class list. I have checked various admin setting within Brightspace but have not found a setting to control this from the admin role. Is the only way to stop the notifications to have the student (or admin) turn off the…
QType — Description — Need a break between Sections when there are no Questions in a Section
I need students to be able to read some text. Then move to a new Section (next page) with questions. I can only add my reading to a new Section, but even though I create a new Section (and have selected "Add page break after every section") — there is no page break between the two. I have found if I add a Section with a…
Quiz sharing from the repository
I want to confirm that I should be able to create a question bank and a quiz, locate it in the repository and share it out to multiple courses. Any updates to the questions for the quiz in the repository should automatically be reflected in each course's quiz. A workflow would be greatly appreciated.
How to prevent courses from blackbaud in previous year to show up in brightspace, which syncs daily
For the 23-24 school, within Blackbaud, we did all the “usual steps” in terms of graduating/promoting the students up for the 24-25 school year. That was done in June 2024. Brightspace syncs nightly from Blackbaud, and we’ve just learned that the 23-24 school year is still active in Brightspace, populating all those…
docx File Preview
I don't understand why I cannot view in Preview mode from Assignments, student work saved as a docx file. Why does Brightspace change the formatting from a submitted docx file. Things like spacing, paragraphs, pagination, etc. is ALL different most of the time. I shouldn't have to download and use my hard disk resources to…
User login data
Is it possible to pull user login data for a whole year? I've gone into data hub and can see the data set for user login but it seems to do it by day. I want to pull an average of how often people are logging in every week but don't massively want to have to do it via loads of spreadsheets. It also seems to only go back to…
I have three Brightspace courses that don't seem to be editable. Why is that?
How do I link lessons in D2L to my google classroom?
Tracking Teacher Activity
I'm hoping to find out how to generate a report that tells me how many assignments a teacher has marked during a certain date range. Can someone direct me to these instructions? Many thanks!