"assignment" tool pop-up after student submission = Misleading to students

Jessica.M.3493 Posts: 3 🔍


When students submit an assignment, the "assignment" tool pops up for them and provides an overview of the assignments completed and which ones are next to complete. That said, this tool is misleading because it gives the students the impression that this is the course outline. Students click and attempt the next assignment without consulting the lessons and instructions. These links are simply submission boxes linked to the gradebook. I propose that D2L allows Teachers to deactivate the student's access to this page and only from the student perspective to prevent continuous confusion from students.


  • Andrea.M.553
    Andrea.M.553 Posts: 12

    Hello Jessica,

    I am not sure what you mean by "pops up" as I have not ever seen this. Here is a sample student submitting an assignment.

    Are you all using the classic content or new content experience? Do you have a link to the assignments tool in the navbar? Just trying to understand what pop-up they are seeing.



  • Jessica.M.3493
    Jessica.M.3493 Posts: 3 🔍

    Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for responding! Your experience is for sure different than ours… I have a link to a video that shows what we experience here:


    We are not certain what version of Brightspace we are using, but it is whichever one the rest of British Columbia is using.

    Whether we have the Assignments tools in the navbar or not doesn't change the results. The Assignments "page" opens no matter what. We were told several times by Brightspace that this could not be changed. Now seeing your video, I can see that it can!

    Looking forward to a possible fix!
