How do I make the course grade visible to students?
I wwould like my students to see their course grade throughout the semester so they know where they stand in the class after every test and assignment. How do I make their final calculated grade visible to them at all times?
Is it possible to embed a checklist rather than creating a link to it?
Hello, I want to be able to embed a checklist rather than create a link to it when I create an HTML document or web page, which takes students away from the web page. Is this possible? Thanks, Yildiz
Change Thumbnail for Video Note
Is there a way to change the thumbnail of a video note? Thank you, Amy
Hello how to access more information about grading in an expanded view like on a spread
Hello how to access more information about grading in an expanded view like on a spreadsheet? Thank you
Milestone Grade Items - Allows Learners to see Hidden Grade Items
Hi there, we have discovered that when instructors set up "milestone grade items" and include previously "hidden" grade items it actually shows the learners all the scores on the hidden items (when they click on the calculator icon). Not sure if this has been reported before as it seems to be an usability issue?
anyone integrate class climate survey tool since the update
anyone integrate class climate since the update? it seems to display ok on the org home page but not in a course offering we get Unavailable Quicklink The External Learning Tool is not available.
Why do awards shared to LinkedIn show D2L as the issuer?
When creating an award, we specify the issuer name, issuer url and email. But when sharing an award to LinkedIn or Badgr, the issuer comes in as D2L and the student/award earner would need to adjust this themselves. Is this by design? Or could it attempt to match the issuer name that we entered on the award?
Quiz Attempt Not Showing
What could prevent a quiz attempt from appearing to students? I've spent some time troubleshooting one section of course with a few sections running this semester. In the course, the instructor has a set of tests with a secondary view dated for after the test window is complete. Students will take the test and see their…
Inquiry about Brightspace Widget for Displaying Announcements as a Slider or Carousel
I would like to inquire if there is a widget in Brightspace that has the ability to display announcements in thumbnail size and then slide to the next. This is very similar to an image slider or carousel, but instead of images, it shows and slides announcements. If yes, please let me know how to use it.
How do I reset so that quiz hints are available?
I am a new instructor setting up a new course and my quiz says the hint is not available but I cannot find where to turn the hints on. Could someone point me in the right direction?
Pulse App - Compromised Account Message?
We had a student report that they got a "Your account has been compromised" message when signing in to Pulse. They said it was only Pulse that gave them the message, no other site/service. Has anyone heard or seen this before? Unfortunately they didn't get a screenshot.
In-text citations and references
Are there any inbuilt tools we can use for in-text citations and references? For example, APA. If so, do they support all commonly used redrencing systems?
Delete Assignment from Grades
If I delete an assignment from Grades, will it vanish from Assignments? If I delete a Discussion from grades, will it vanish from Discussions? I have a few items I want to remove from Grades, but I don't want to delete them from the course accidentally.
Brightspace Pulse doesn't show HTML pages anymore since last update
Hi, Until recently I could open HTML topic pages in the Pulse app without problems. Nowadays, the pulse app opens the HTML pages, but it looks like desktop view with sidebar and options to add new content and stuff, as shown in figure 1. Figure 1. Before it showed the HTML page as a webpage with specific styles and so…
On the data set: Content User Completion, is Date Completed - the first date they completed content?
Looking at the data set: Content User completion. The information for the field Date Completed is as follows: DateCompleted Date content was completed (UTC). Field can be null. datetime2 Does this mean that once this is populated with a date it remains static, and doesn't get overwritten if the user revists the content at…
Two different class averages in quiz statistics
I have a quiz that is showing two different figures for the class average. If I am in Manage Quizzes and select the Statistics tab, a "quiz average" is displayed (in this case, 43.67%). However, when I go to the Statistics area for that same assessment, a different "class average" is shown (51.31%). What's the difference…
Custom Max User Session Popup
Hi, our instance of Brightspace has a custom pop up message for the “maximum number of active brightspace login sessions” that directs users to our service desk. However it's an old link, the service desk has now been moved and we need to update this text. I have been through every setting I could find and have not been…
Is there a plan to allow appropriate instructor-level access to Data Hub?
Right now, we—as admins—need to pull reports for our instructors. This is because "the Data Hub tool can only be used at the org level and reports generated from within the Data Hub tool contain all org data." (from d2l's documentation). It would be nice if there was a way to allow Data Hub to be pre-filtered to only show…
Arithmetic Question; Cube Root
Good morning, For the Arithmetic questions in D2L Quizzes, is there a way to set up a question that can calculate Cube Root? I know we can do Cubed… but cant find any way to do Cube Root.
How do I restrict an Insert Stuff option to certain roles?
When students have a text submission for their assessment, they have access to the Insert Stuff tool. I'd like to know how I can restrict certain integrations/plugins available via Insert Stuff. Specifically, I'd like to ensure that they can only access Panopto Student Submission via Insert Stuff.