Where do I find the place submit a help ticket?

I can no longer locate how to generate a help desk ticket/talk to a rep. This is a time-consuming effort and I am not sure I understand why we no longer have that on the homepage. Can I get a direct link or instructions to where I need to go to get help?
Best Answer
An important update here
As of Friday August 25, 2023 there's a new ASC Homepage Button that appears on the Community Homepage
This button will only appear for Community Members who are known to be Approved Support Contacts.
If you do not have access to this button, please connect with your Customer Success Manager to have your account updated, or connect with the Community Team and we can help to direct you
Find more helpful ASC Resources, on the
Hello Shella.S.400
Thanks for reaching out to the Brightspace Community.
As your organization's Approved Support Contact (ASC), please access the Community's ASC homepage to open a support case with our Product Support Team.
You can find the ASC Homepage under Quick Links on the right side of your screen:You can find further instructions on how to submit a service request in the following video:
I hope this is helpful!
Unfortunately I do not see a quicklinks on my homepage. I'm on the D2L Brightspace Community Homepage. Should I be somewhere else?
Here are some additional instructions to supplement @Ricardo.S.110's response, which I concur with.
- visit Brightspace Community https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/
- select the Sign In/Register button (top right)
- Once signed it, check the right-hand side of the webpage for the QuickLinks widget, depicted in @Ricardo.S.110's screenshot above
- Select the ASC Homepage link, which should direct you to the appropriate space for managing cases.
note: if you are already logged into Brightspace Community but do not see the widget, try selecting the Brightspace Community logo in the top-left to return to the main page, where the QuickLinks widget should be found.
I hope the helps!