How do I add a TA for my course (college level)

Elana.G.218 Posts: 2 🔍
edited September 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
I'm trying to add my TA to the course to access. I am not sure what role to assign as I can't find a TA designation. I am not sure the best way to do it.


  • Hi Elana

    Based on your Community profile and that you're wanting to assign your TA to a course, I'm assuming that you are an instructor. This means you will most likely be able to add users and assign roles to them in your course, but you won't be able to create a new role.

    If there is no TA role set up, I recommend contacting your Brightspace Administrator who can either advise you which role has already been set up for TAs, or can create a new role with the relevant permissions which you can use going forward.

    Hopefully this helps!



  • Richard.H.910
    Richard.H.910 Posts: 2 🔍
    this is not helpful