Downloading from Portfolio
Can a student download their Portfolio (not ePortfolio) to save for after graduation?
Insufficient Scopes despite having wildcards.
Trying to get course related files via this endpoint: d2l/api/lp/{version}/{orgUnitId}/managefiles/ based on this documentation: https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/course.html#get--d2l-api-lp-(version)-(orgUnitId)-managefiles- however, getting insufficient scopes despite having scopes set as wildcards: { Errors: […
Is there a way to know which students did/did not open Brightspace emails sent by the instructor?
Issue with Pulse app not displaying Brightspace elements
I am having an intermittent issue with the Pulse app. Content I am creating in Brightspace elements (tabs, accordions) is sometimes visible and other times not. It is inconsistent from html page to page. I reinstalled the Pulse app and updated my phone (iPhone 12). My colleague with an Android reports the same problem.…
Force submit a student quiz while "in progress"
Hello- can anyone tell me how to force a student to submit a quiz while they are in progress? I know how to give them another attempt (which I want to do) but I want them to shut down the exam they are currently in. I don't see the "impersonate" option available when I access them through the class list and right click on…
Quiz Tool: Random Draw From Question Pool Categories With Quiz Section
So this is a super specific question from one of our faculty. It doesn't seem possible, but I thought I would ask. Faculty has a question pool. Questions are organized into categories. Each category has at least 20 questions. Goal: Faculty wants to build a quiz with sections. Under each section, the faculty wants the…
Brightspace Community?
How do instructors know about Brightspace Community and its offerings, features, etc.? It's a valuable resource but I fear many/most Brightspace instructors are unaware of its presence.
Grade colored red in gradebook
I have 1 student in Grade book who is colored red in the final calculated grades. the students grade is not the lowest in the gradebook but it is the only one colored. can you explain or help me?
Using A.I. in online discussions
Is anyone use A.I. in their online discussions (e.g., rewriting/improving discussion prompts and replies to student posts) or in other ways in their courses?
Assign release condition to a downloadable document
I need to assign a release condition to a document that students need to download. There doesn't appear to be any direct way to do this. Assigning a release condition to a topic or an assignment etc, doesn't confirm that the download took place. Can anyone help me with a workaround?
Adding a Module to New Experience
Good moring, How do I add a module to the new experience? The old experience has the option to add a new module below an existing module. When I click the plus sign next to New Unit, I am given a tab that does not align with the existing modules.
Uploading Word Project Assignments from a Mobile Device Using Copilot 365 & OneDrive
My Question is: now that Microsoft is using Microsoft 365 and they are recommending using Copilot 365 for Mobile devices - when you create a Word document it automatically saves to the OneDrive. Is there a way to access the OneDrive from a Project assignment submission screen on a mobile device? Or does the actual file…
Hi team Please note that I cant get my certificate of WHMIS even after completing it twice, What can I do? Thank you, Noah
Media Library Privacy
Hello, I am a learner and I have the ability to record audio/video for the Media Library. I just wanted to make sure this was private to me (/the administrator) and that it won't be shared with my classmates/instructor? Thank you! Kathleen
Assignment deleted becore un-linking from grade book, cannot delete the column from grade book
An instructor was re-arranging some assignments in a Brightspace course. An Assignment that was linked to the grade book was removed as it was no longer needed. The Assignment, hwoever, was removed without un-linking it from the grade book. As a result, the corresponding column was left behind in the grade book, still has…
Password reset email
The user initiated password reset email is not sending out to them. This doesn't seem to happen to everyone and cannot find or see a pattern of why this is happening. It's actually been this way for a while. If I look up a user, I can send them the password reset link email and they will get it. What could be causing this?…
Creating a quizz with Question pools issue
I am attempting to create a quizz with a pool of questions. I have followed the steps given to create the pool but am having an issue in saving the number of questions to select from the pool of questions. It keeps defaulting back to 0 after I select the SAVE button. I have attached a screenshot below. I have edited this…
Where can you learn more about eportfolio?
An instructor asked me the following question: "I am interested in learning more about the ePortfolio page in Brightspace. Can you please provide some information as I am considering making changes in my class, but will need to learn more before doing so." Please advise me on where I can get more info. Thanks
D2L and Accessibility in Quizzes
Hi, Could you kindly point us to documentation as to how D2L would work with the following accessibility software below: Speech to text software Text to speech software Screen Magnifier Best, Angelo
IPSIS error notification
Hello, We are building automated daily integrations to create courses, offerings, and sections using the IPSIS Standard CSV method. The integrations make an extract from our SIS, and FTP a file to Brightspace. We are wondering, if there is an error, is there a mechanism to notify the developer that there was a problem? Is…