How to create a Formula item in the grade book that drops 2 of the lowest quiz scores

Kay.H.645 Posts: 10 🔍


An instructor wants to add a Formula item that:

(1) Drops the two lowest quiz scores from Category A (Note: There are seven quizzes in Category A)

(2) Averages the "Category A subtotal" and "Category B subtotal"

I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can give me.


Best Answer

  • Ajith.J.824
    Ajith.J.824 Posts: 15
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Kay.H.645,

    Thank you for the questions. I've done some testing and here are some ideas that you might find useful-
    1. I couldn't find a way to drop the lowest 2 grades. But if you want to drop just one, this will work-

    2. Unfortunately, the category subtotal can not be included in the formula directly. You could calculate the category subtotals in the formula and use the AVG function on the subtotals.

    I hope this helps.
