How to create a Formula item in the grade book that drops 2 of the lowest quiz scores

An instructor wants to add a Formula item that:
(1) Drops the two lowest quiz scores from Category A (Note: There are seven quizzes in Category A)
(2) Averages the "Category A subtotal" and "Category B subtotal"
I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can give me.
Best Answer
Hi @Kay.H.645,
Thank you for the questions. I've done some testing and here are some ideas that you might find useful-
1. I couldn't find a way to drop the lowest 2 grades. But if you want to drop just one, this will work-
2. Unfortunately, the category subtotal can not be included in the formula directly. You could calculate the category subtotals in the formula and use the AVG function on the subtotals.I hope this helps.
Thank you so much for your guidance. I apologize for the delay in responding to your answer.