Print submitted quiz attempt to PDF?

One of our faculty needs to print a submitted quiz attempt for an in-person review with a student. Brightspace doesn't offer an in-house option for exporting this to a usable format and the browser Print to PDF function results in parts of some questions/answer selections being covered by the navigation interface at the top of each page (changing margins and scale doesn't help much). Brightspace doesn't appear to permit opening a submitted attempt in a new browser tab/window. Highlight and copy/paste into a Word document produces unusable results.

Is there any means by which a clean, readable PDF of a submitted quiz attempt be produced for printing to review in-person with a student?

In Blackboard original (with base navigation), I was able to right-click on a course link and open it in a new browser tab which took it out of the base navigation environment to facilitate printing a submitted test attempt to PDF. My hope is someone here in the community has figured out something similar for Brightspace.

Thank you for your time!



  • @Alex.D.717 Hi Alex,

    Thank you for reaching out to us on the Community site.

    Currently, there exists no feature available in the LE(Brightspace site) that allows for printing of student's submitted quiz attempt

    However there is a feature request submitted in Product Idea Exchange that aligns with your ask and is submitted as below,


    download/print completed student quiz submission (D7213)

    Direct Link:


    I kindly request you upvote the above PIE item.



  • Alex.D.717
    Alex.D.717 Posts: 14 🌱

    Thank you, Nik!

    Your response confirmed what I suspected and was very helpful.
