How do you regrade a matching question ?

I am working with an academic who has in a question the wrong grading type and wants to have grading of equally weighted. The quiz is already sat. How can this type of question be regraded please?
I had a professor who had this issue last year. Through extensive research, I learned it's not possible. Go ahead and fix the quiz for future submissions, but s/he will have to manually correct the grades for those who have already started or taken the quiz.
Thanks Toni. I know you can fix multi select even though it's cumbersome and you have to consider every option, but wasn't sure about matching.
Hello @Sue.S.4
Thank you for reaching out to us through the Community.
Currently, there is no way to recalculate quiz matching questions.
We appreciate your feedback and have identified this as a feature request. I found an existing PIE idea addressing a similar request:
Quiz Matching Question RecalculationIf you find it relevant, please consider leaving your comments and promoting this idea.
We look forward to hearing from you on the Product Idea Exchange!
Thank you Bharti.
I'll check out the PIE request on this issue.