Score-based custom quiz results display

Courtney.M.362 Posts: 26 🌱


We include a wrap-up and preview of the next module in a lesson page that is released after the module quiz is passed (80% or higher), and the learner needs to visit this page to formally complete the module and unlock the next module. We'd prefer to include this wrap-up/preview info in a custom results display after the quiz and eliminate that last lesson page. As such, it would be great if there was a way to have one quiz results display for learners who get less than 80% and need to attempt the quiz again, and a different results display for those who get 80+% and can move on to the next module. Is this possible?




  • Hello @Courtney.M.362

    Thankyou for reaching out to the Brightspace Community.

    Currently, there is no option available to set custom result display pages.

    If you would like more options I would suggest the submission of a PIE item, or upvoting one that suits your use case. You can also create a new PIE item and upvote.

    BrightspaceCommunity Idea Site: Submissions (

    We look forward to hearing from you at the Product Idea Exchange!



  • Hello, Courtney, how are you? Thank you for your participation in the D2L Brightspace Community :)

    If I understood your scenario correctly, currently, you have a content topic with a Release Conditions of the User having a score of 80% or more in a Quiz and visiting that topic itself is a Release Condition in order to unlock the next content module.

    Now, you would like to stop using that content topic and, essentially, having the Quiz itself, via custom Quiz Results Display, lead the User (or not) to the next content module, right?

    I am sorry that this is currently not possible in Brightspace. We can add several custom Quiz Results Display, but these displays themselves do not work with Release Conditions, so it's not possible to tie them to the score of a User.

    I hope you have found this information to be useful. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please, let me know and I will be glad to further assist you, okay?

    Thank you kindly,


  • Hi @Courtney.M.362 ,

    Thank for reaching us through community!!

    You will be able to achieve your request by Managing completion tracking and customize quiz results displays.

    Please try to use these options and let me know if you need any more clarifications.

