I think quiz results (what the correct answers were etc) should be available through grades
Learners can view assignment results (i.e. rubric details) from either Assignments or grades. But they can ONLY view quiz results (correct answers) through Quizzes NOT grades. I think they should be able to view those results also through grades.
Move sign-in button on mobile
Move "Sign-in with D2L employee login" button under community member sign-in for New Community on mobile (also, add "User Experience (UX)" as a category):
Enrollment API call failing with a specific user role type
We are experiencing an issue when trying to enroll a user with a specific type of User role. The endpoint that is being used is POST /d2l/api/lp/1.9/enrollments. The process is supposed to create a demo student for a course and has been working for a few years, but since near the end of January the enrollment call has been…
Scorm Format
Hello, I am trying to work out which format to download a scorm into order to upload into our D2L platform. Can anyone advise?
What is the max file size for SCORM courses for our Brightspace?
When is support for LTI OIDC Login with LTI Client Side postMessages coming?
Hi, I've seen the new solution to get rid of the third-party cookies issues when using LTI 1.3 advantage in this blog: and this spec: https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-cs-oidc/v0p1 The postmessage seem a nice solution for this problem and we would like to implement this. Since D2L was part in writing this new spec. Is…
What is the path to get org unit paths?
This API route - PUT /d2l/api/lp/(version)/orgstructure/(orgUnitId) - requires Path as part of the OrgUnit.OrgUnitProperties { "Identifier": <string:D2LID>, "Name": <string>, "Code": <string>|null, "Path": <string>, "Type": { <composite:OrgUnit.OrgUnitTypeInfo> } } However, the similar GET call does not return Path. The…
Arithmetic Question - using sine with angle in degrees
I want to ask my students to calculate the sine of an angle I give them in degrees. I programmed Brightspace to calculate sin({th}*pi/180) where {th} is the angle in degrees and {th}*pi/180 is converting it to radians for the calculation. However, I get back 0.00 as the answer. I cannot figure out what I have done wrong.…
Using a Game Map
When I access the lesson content through the Content link, you can see the icon that allows the students to check if they have completed it. When they access from the Game Map, it automatically checks it to complete, even if they were only on the page for a second: I am not sure how to fix this. It is similar with the…
LTI Link in a Widget
We have Nettutor coming out with a new LTI link but are unable to embed into a widget, does anyone have a workaround to this issue so that we can put it in a widget as well?
Is a "Learner" role allowed to update the grades through an API Call?
I'm having trouble trying to make the API call below due to the lack of permissions from "Learner", the scope given is correct but yet the API returns a 403 which is forbidden. PUT https://learn.build.org/d2l/api/le/1.9/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/values/(myGradeValues) { "GradeObjectType": 1, "PointsNumerator": 12…
Where will the link to PIEs be? I thought I might find it under Resources, but it's not there--yet?
TurnItIn - bundled? and can API be accessed?
Hi all, this may not be the best place to ask this question has integrations may come in lots of flavors. But, I'm hoping to get some suggestions here. We've got TurnItIn integrated with D2L - not sure if we did that work or if it came bundled. Does anyone know how that works? I know that TurnItIn has an API but does that…
Can you replace the dead links here, please 🙏:
LTI1.3 Basic launch and Deeplink placement in add existing activities
The basic launch tool is displayed under add existing activities --> External learning tools and the deeplink quick links are just display under "add existing activities" which confuses the user to launch which one first. Is there any method we can show basic launch or deeplink outside add existing activities? Can we…
Setting dropbox "out of"/ScoreDenominator from API
I'm trying to create an assignment dropbox and a new grade item from the API, with the dropbox linked to the new grade item. Everything works in isolation, but when I add the AssociatedTool parameters to the call which creates the Grade object (to link it to the dropbox), it generates a 500 error. Trial and error has shown…
What is the proper format for making an AJAX PUT request?
I am trying to make an API call to set a specific Grade Value for a Learner. Here is the ajax call I am making to try and accomplish this. $.ajax({ url: '/d2l/api/le/1.26/6711/grades/319/values/184', type: 'PUT', data: { "Comments": { "Content": "", "Type": "Text" }, "PrivateComments": { "Content": "", "Type": "Text" },…
How to interpret data returned when making banner image API call?
Hi there, My team is currently creating a custom student dashboard widget for the main homepage. Pulling the various course information is working, but when trying to make the banner image call, we've hit a snag. This is the API call: GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/courses/(orgUnitId)/image And although there isn't any…
Unable to create a Grade.GradeObject using OAuth 2.0 API
While trying to create a create a gradeObject (POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/) using the API vide OAuth 2.0, I receive the following error { "type": "http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/apiprop.html#json-binding-error", "title": "JSON Binding Error", "status": 400, "detail": "Provided JSON is invalid…
Pass user photo to Brightspace
We would like to set the Brightspace profile photos for our users using our photos from their ID cards. Is there a way using file transfer or the API to pass the photos? Has someone else done this before? We'd like to then prevent them from changing it (we have an approval process in place for the photos already in our…