Using the Valence REST API, how to search for course(s) by name or by semester name
I am new to this. I authorize using oAuth2 (PHP and cURL) and can query or update our D2L Brightspace data from our Student Information System. But is there an API function for : 1.Searching for a course(s) by name, ex. "Science"? I can only list ALL of courses. 2.Searching for a course(s) by semester name? Currently, I…
get Forbidden statuscode on User Attributes api
{{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/lp/{{lpversion}}/attributes/users/ /d2l/api/lp/1.42/attributes/users/143002 With IdKey authenticaion, this api returns Fordidden Is there any configuration causing this issue?
Automating Google Workspace account updates
We're updating our workflow that allows students to do a self-service preferred name change. It includes the option to update the username/email as well. Our current IPSIS/ILP integration correctly updates the D2L details for the students, but if the student's gmail address is also updated, the D2L/Google Workspace link…
Looking for API calls for quiz results displays
I found myself in a situation where I need to update a whole mess of quiz result displays and I'm having trouble finding anything in the API that could help me. Specifically, I'm looking for something that would allow me to download and upload the text from the messages in each of the results display views of a particular…
classlist paged could not get Username nor Email
{{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/le/{{leversion}}/6606/classlist/paged/ always return null on Username and Email, which seems to be a bug Those two fields do have data in{{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/lp/{{lpversion}}/users/ return
Error: "type": "about:blank"
Hi, We are using the BrightSpace API in our app. Recently, we are getting the following error in updating a user's info. PUT /d2l/api/lp/(version)/users/(userId) body: { "OrgDefinedId": <string>, "FirstName": <string>, "MiddleName": null, "LastName": <string>, "ExternalEmail": null, "UserName": <string>, "Activation": {…
Update User Data Using API
I've been using this PUT request to update user information for years. On April 12 2022 it stop working and I am receiving the error: "Validation Error: The Org Defined ID is already assigned to a different user." I have found a hack fix where I change the Org Defined ID to 00000000.temp run the put request then run it…
to use wildcards in Query Parameters
Is it possible to use wildcards in the api query parameters, for example, I need to search by First and Last Names in this api, GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/users/ Unfortunately, there is no such Query Parameters, but if I can search externalEmail with wildcards, it will help.
How can I pull an excel based report of Course Progress for the entire Classlist?
I'm using our Brightspace LMS in an institutional capacity vs. academic. Often our developed courses contain only assets that need to be tracked for completion and there are no quizzes, assignments or other graded items. Currently we are using a quiz for each module as an attestation for completion. Why isn't there a way…
Ability to pull User Progress via API
How can I pull user Progress via the API? When I try yo use GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/userprogress/, I get a 404 back. Regarding , 'Finally, note that the back-end service may not have all the Brightspace functionality enabled to provide access to all the APIs contained in this API reference…
Release Conditions on Content
Hello, Here is the scenario: I have a group setup in a course that only needs access to 3 out of 15 modules. Is there a way to set access to specific content they can ONLY view with release conditions, or do I HAVE to set conditions for all the modules they don't need access to? My Best, Aaron Marks
Request for Brightspace LTI 1.3 Dev Environment Access
Hi, we're also looking for a dev environment to develop/test an LTI 1.3 tool against. Would it be possible to access a sandboxed dev environment somehow? For other vendors, we've been able to find pre-configured images on the AWS marketplace, but haven't been able to find any such images specifically for Brightspace. I had…
eText deeplink creation gives an error
We have recently implemented to create deeplink for ebook and when adding the links of the ebook, D2L gives an error. It is working properly for assignment deeplinks. (LTI 1.3) Assignment Deeplink Creation - Success Scenario id_token:…
Exporting class progress
Hi, I have a someone who is an admin in a specific course, as they need to be able to manage just that course, see who has enrolled and each individual's completion status. I can see the class progress page has all the information they need, however I can't seem to export it. They want to be able to run a report monthly to…
I was wondering if it was possible to show the feedback for a question as soon as the user submits it? Not once the whole quiz is submitted, I want the feedback to show after each question. Is it possible?
Release conditions on awards
Kia ora, We had two release conditions for our award. We removed one, hoping that the date would change. For example, we initaly had two release conditions. One being completing the assessment and the other being completing the evaluation survey. We noticed that although some oparticapnts completed the assessment and…
Is there standard HTML classes for use when wanting a custom widget to produce a dialog
We would like to utilise a popup/dialog within a custom widget and rather than importing external styles/libraries. we would like to utilise the system standard ones so our widget follows the system and future upgrades. Is there any documention on what the standard dialog HTML classes are and can they be provided?
New LTI tool registration issues - Launch back to platform
Hello, We have been working on the creation of a new LTI tool for our product and we are currently testing our LTI compliant endpoints with our Brightspace demo instance. So far we have succeded in registering (using Standard Registration) the tool with its keyset URL and are able to create External Tool Links and add them…
News Post api says Forbidden
Hi i am trying to create the announcement/news in d2l but it throws 403 in postman It was working two days back API used : ${host}/d2l/api/le/1.61/${orgId}/news/ Could some one help me with this
what is the userId of DevCoPStudent
for GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/users/(userId)