405: Method Not Allowed error when attempting to delete Discussion Posts
I'm am trying to add support for Discussions to my web application and have run into an issue with deleting discussion posts in particular (endpoint reference link). I've tested my GET, POST, and DELETE endpoint calls for Forums and Topics, and all work without issue. I am also able to GET discussion posts without a…
Receiving an invalid token (403-Forbidden) error from POST when using Python d2lValence library....
Receiving an invalid token (403-Forbidden) error from POST when using Python d2lValence library. Exact call is successful (200-OK) when using .NET d2Valence library. Hello - I have been using the D2LValence .NET extension for quite some time to automate the downloading and processing of BDS reports. We have need of the…
Correct OAuth2 scope for creating new News items
I am trying to incorporate News item creation (endpoint reference link) into my web app and am running into permissions/OAuth2 scope problems. The API reference does not mention specific scope requirements for POSTing to /news, and this knowledge base article seems to suggest any route without specific notes should be…
Suggestion for GitHub repository code update(Fusion 2020) ---for Paul's question
--Add bulk org unit upload capability -- Get users data includes deleted ones --Add announcements --Add Grades --Add LTI Data
Is the OrgUnitTypeId for CourseOffering is fixed for all D2l Instances??
OrgUnitType Id for Course offering is "3" for my installation. Is it fixed for all D2L installation or it depends on the D2L installation. I want to filter organization of Course Offering type since https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/orgunit.html#get--d2l-api-lp-(version)-outypes- this API is not authorized for…
Invalid Parameters Error when I trying to get assessment request.
I am not able to figure out which parameter is missing out incorrect. I have added all the params as per the assessment API doc https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/assessment.html#get--d2l-api-le-(version)-(orgUnitId)-assessment. Is there something wrong in the API call??
Is it possible to run the IPSIS import more than once a day?
Currently, we send data files to our Brightspace server and the IPSIS imports the data at 5AM. Would it be possible to do the import multiple times during the day? That way a student could access a class the same day they enroll in it.
le 1.22 Classlist API not providing username and email?
I am a developer for a 3rd party vendor that offers Attendance taking solutions to schools. As such, I make use of D2L APIs that provide me information about students in a course. The API that I use to get enrollments is the classlist API…
Questions about enrolment creation via rest API
I am attempting to create an enrolment via the api but I am running into the following error. { "type": "http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/apiprop.html#not-authorized", "title": "Not Authorized", "status": 403, "detail": "Insufficient scope to call API.Required: enrollment:orgunit:create" } When i change the scope…
Why does GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/calendar/events/user/ return data for more than...
Why does GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/calendar/events/user/ return data for more than one orgUnitId? I'm working with the GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/calendar/events/user/ endpoint and am a bit confused about the returned data. I have a student that is registered in 3 different courses. When I call the…
YouTube API key for Insert Stuff
I found this [Archived Content] documentation in the community that suggests we need to set up a YouTube Data API account to use the YouTube Insert Stuff functionality. Has anyone done this? Otherwise it just looks like the Insert Stuff YouTube option is broken.
We can pull login times, course access times, but these are start times. Does anyone have a way...
We can pull login times, course access times, but these are start times. Does anyone have a way to get to elapsed time in the LMS? I'd even take login, logout, though I have a feeling that most people working from home simply set their login time out. But if it can time out, there must be an elapsed time somewhere, and a…
Authentication API call returns a 302 Object Moved / 404 Not Found error. Not clear why?
The curl for the API is: curl "https://partnertraining.netspend.com/d2l/auth/api/token/?x_a=tRxth24H417mCZBIOKfamg&x_b=7DD6O3TrUHCY2MFvxJYkBoFVLlXrM9jBvamyOTY-TJY&x_target=https://netspend.online-rewards-qa.com:443/brightspace-auth" Response: 302 Object moved Location: /d2l/error/404/log?targetUrl=<arguments to the curl> I…
How to get config variable api data from json?
Hi, I have written class inc # public class Configvariable { public string ConfigId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Scope { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string DataType { get; set; } public string DefaultValue { get; set; } public bool CanEditSystemValue { get;…
How to use POST API method to create Extended User Attributes?
We are having custom attributes for the users called Extended User Profile Attributes. Kindly let me know is there any API methods for Extended User Profile Attributes.
How to set access token when retrieving content topic file
I received below error message : { Errors: [ {Message: "Insufficient scope to call API.Required: content:modules:read"} ] } when using API GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/file Per D2L document(https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/content.html?highlight=d2l api le version orgunitid…
Is there a logout API call?
I am using the d2lvalence SDK for Python. The first time a user accesses the login page via the create_url_for_authentication call, they login to D2L. However, the next time they access this page, they are not required to login, as their session is saved. When. you go to D2L and logout, then re-access this page, then you…
Group Enrollment Data Issue (Valence API)
I am trying to resolve an issue with group enrollments. I have an internally-developed app that makes a call to get the enrollment for the groups that the calling user (i.e. student) is a member of using this route: /d2l/api/lp/(version)/(orgUnitId)/groupcategories/(groupCategoryId)/groups/ When the enrollment data is…
How to obtain an access token for accessing LTI Advantage Services?
I am receiving the following error: {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Missing client"} My curl headers are set: --request POST --header "Authorization: Basic B64 Encoded clientID:client secret (this is missing!)" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" My URL is set:…
Trying to create department but getting error
I am trying to create a department using valence API, I am sending the data to route:/d2l/api/lp/1.12/orgstructure/ and the data I am sending is the following: {"Type":101, "Name":"Test", "Code":"TestCode", "Parents":[{"number":6606}] } But I keep getting the following: "{\"Errors\":[{\"Message\":\"Parents list cannot be…