We can pull login times, course access times, but these are start times. Does anyone have a way...
We can pull login times, course access times, but these are start times. Does anyone have a way to get to elapsed time in the LMS? I'd even take login, logout, though I have a feeling that most people working from home simply set their login time out. But if it can time out, there must be an elapsed time somewhere, and a…
Authentication API call returns a 302 Object Moved / 404 Not Found error. Not clear why?
The curl for the API is: curl "https://partnertraining.netspend.com/d2l/auth/api/token/?x_a=tRxth24H417mCZBIOKfamg&x_b=7DD6O3TrUHCY2MFvxJYkBoFVLlXrM9jBvamyOTY-TJY&x_target=https://netspend.online-rewards-qa.com:443/brightspace-auth" Response: 302 Object moved Location: /d2l/error/404/log?targetUrl=<arguments to the curl> I…
How to get config variable api data from json?
Hi, I have written class inc # public class Configvariable { public string ConfigId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Scope { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string DataType { get; set; } public string DefaultValue { get; set; } public bool CanEditSystemValue { get;…
How to use POST API method to create Extended User Attributes?
We are having custom attributes for the users called Extended User Profile Attributes. Kindly let me know is there any API methods for Extended User Profile Attributes.
How to set access token when retrieving content topic file
I received below error message : { Errors: [ {Message: "Insufficient scope to call API.Required: content:modules:read"} ] } when using API GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/file Per D2L document(https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/content.html?highlight=d2l api le version orgunitid…
Is there a logout API call?
I am using the d2lvalence SDK for Python. The first time a user accesses the login page via the create_url_for_authentication call, they login to D2L. However, the next time they access this page, they are not required to login, as their session is saved. When. you go to D2L and logout, then re-access this page, then you…
Group Enrollment Data Issue (Valence API)
I am trying to resolve an issue with group enrollments. I have an internally-developed app that makes a call to get the enrollment for the groups that the calling user (i.e. student) is a member of using this route: /d2l/api/lp/(version)/(orgUnitId)/groupcategories/(groupCategoryId)/groups/ When the enrollment data is…
How to obtain an access token for accessing LTI Advantage Services?
I am receiving the following error: {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Missing client"} My curl headers are set: --request POST --header "Authorization: Basic B64 Encoded clientID:client secret (this is missing!)" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" My URL is set:…
Trying to create department but getting error
I am trying to create a department using valence API, I am sending the data to route:/d2l/api/lp/1.12/orgstructure/ and the data I am sending is the following: {"Type":101, "Name":"Test", "Code":"TestCode", "Parents":[{"number":6606}] } But I keep getting the following: "{\"Errors\":[{\"Message\":\"Parents list cannot be…
Course Admin > Learner Management > Sections ??? There is no Sections button.
The instructions for Create or Add Sections says: * On the navbar, click Course Admin. * In the Learner Management area, click Sections. Step 2 cannot be accomplished.
Why do I get error code 400 when I Post Topic to D2L?
Url: "https://partners.brightspace.com/d2l/api/le/1.12/10593/content/modules/366347/structure/?x_a=......................." request body (as described here): {"Title":"123", "ShortTitle":"", "Type":1, "TopicType":3,…
How to move section(s) to a different course offering? Valence
I have two course offerings with three sections in each and I want to move all sections under one course. * CourseA * Sec1, Sec2, Sec3 * CourseB * Sec4, Sec5, Sec6 I tried removing the parent relationship with CourseB from Sec4,5,6 and adding CourseA as their parent. DELETE /orgstructure/Sec4/parent/CourseB POST…
Valence UI... what happened to it?
Hi all, I was just checking on the documentation for the vui as I was telling a colleague about it... http://ui.valence.d2l.com/ seems to be pointing to a 404 error now.... what happened to it? Did vui moved from bower to something else?
3 months later - your progress with IPSIS?
There was a very informative session at Fusion about IPSIS where it was clear that many schools were patiently waiting to learn more before moving forward with IPSIS. We're a Banner Real-Time users (which is end of support in May 2019) and had a few concerns so I thought I'd list them and see if anyone else had made any…
Is there an API call to retrieve list of all courses with orgUnitId's?
I am looking for a specific non-course and I need a way to dynamically retrieve the orgUnitIds.
How do I make iframe responsive in Daylight?
I am currently testing Daylight for the August release. My organization uses Vimeo for videos. The height and width requirements for iframe just make it look bad in the right hand column of the new homepage. I found some CSS code for responsive iframes, but I'm not a coder and don't know how to put it into the HTML editor…
How do the geotag metadata for ePortfolio objects get populated?
According to the API documentation, ePortfolio objects can be geotagged. (http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/epobject.html ) As I support a Geography course, I can see some potential use cases for this functionality. Does anybody know how that gets populated? I was hoping that for images that had geotagging data in…
How to establish connection and make API calls to Brightspace (to create a user and enroll the...
How to establish connection and make API calls to Brightspace (to create a user and enroll the user to a specific course) ? I have a web application that handles user authentication. Once the user is logged in, his/her eligibility for a course is checked (internal logic). If user is eligible for a course, I would like to…
File Upload in a folder in Assignment
I am using below API for file upload. /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/(folderId)/submissions/mysubmissions And for the authentication, I use ID/Key-based authentication system with my super user account. The issue is that, whenever I upload a file, the file is always under the name of super user account.…
Using Valency API in content page
I am trying to add a module of html page in Table of Content. I want to add a button in the page which uses valency API. I am not sure how to accomplish this because I am struggling getting OAUTH token. I setup OAUTH application in setting. When I click the button in the page I made, it you redirect to oauth page and then…