Is there a way an Instructor can set up an event and the student can choose the time to attend?
Is there a way an Instructor can set up an event and the student can choose a time to attend? How can the instructor set this up in order for the student to choose a time?
stats tracking
Hi, I have several reading and film assignments in my courses. How do I track whether students have reviewed assignments that don't require a file submission?
Using Media Library or Course Files to manage videos with transcripts
We're trying to find the best workflow for adding videos that use the Media Library auto-generated closed captions. Previously, before using CC, we had been uploading videos to an Assets folder in the Course Files and inserting them directly into the course. Now that we are using the Media Library to edit the closed…
Files automatically converting to PDF when uploaded directly from Google Drive - New Content
Brightspace is automatically uploading my Google Docs as .docx files (when uploaded from my Google Drive, as I want them embedded), which doesn't allow my students to make a copy of them to then edit or use (i.e. for test reviews). This wasn't happening until last week. Brightspace is also now also automatically making my…
Missing descriptions when scrolling down Table of Contents
Hello, When a student scrolls down the Table of Contents, they do not appear to be able to see the activity description. My concern is many will miss key information. For example, if my student was scrolling and came across this link. They would click on it but miss the fact that they need a password. In order for them to…
Can individual discussion threads be hidden by the instructor?
Improve quiz UX - left align "Question" labels
If we are not going to be able to remove or rename the "Question" labels, would it be possible to change the stylesheet for quizzes so that these labels left-align exactly with the question text? BEFORE - This is what it currently looks like: AFTER - This is what it could look like: AFTER - Or how about allowing users to…
FAQ Bulk Upload
Looking the Public FAQ feature, is there a way to bulk upload FAQ questions and categories? I have a database of about 200+ different FAQ questions that are categorized. Would like to add this into the system but don't want to do it manually.
When can we expect to see improvements to the FIB question type?
I would like to hear from the Developer community regarding any planned work to address longstanding workflow problems with the FIB quiz question type. I am especially interested in understanding why a solution that appears to have been solved in the Creator + (with Lessons or Practice anyway) has not found its way into…
How can you branch in a survey?
I have set up a survey with Likert scales and if one response is Totally agree [for example] I want students to go to Question x….
How do i tell if a student has watch an entire video?
How do i tell if a student has watch an entire video?
Student peer feedback
I have an English Composition instructor who would like students to be able to share drafts with their peers and give each other feedback. We piloted FeedBack Fruits about a year ago but couldn't get enough faculty interest to justify the purchase. So I'm looking to see if anyone in the community has found a way to do…
How uploading SCORM new version affects the users assigned to that course?
We are wondering when we update a new SCORM version, how does it affect the progress of the learner? 1. The user who completed the SCORM unit 2. The user who is still in Progress 3. The user who completed the SCORM and revisit the newer SCORM version. Is there any way that we can manage the uploading of SCORM's newer…
Image crop and resize
I have some flip cards with images. The images are already inserted. Two are landscape and two are portrait. I want to crop the portrait ones so that they are landscape - I would like the flipcard to have proportions similar to the ones with landscape images in them. Here an example of what it looks like before the edit.…
Why are updates to Quiz Questions and Sections treated differently?
Sections are an essential component of quizzes. They are the only place where instructors can insert instructions for a series of questions that follow. However, there is inconsistency between how questions and sections are treated when updating. Let's suppose, I have created a series of questions (with section dividers)…
Is it possible for students to save drafts of their quiz responses so they can work on them over tim
We are experimenting with using a Quiz that includes short answers and a Panopto video submission to replace an assignment that required students to record a video, upload a link or MP4 file and attach it to the drop box and also download a Word document, complete their work, then upload their completed document to the…
Individual Assignment folder for groups
We have a situation….. an assignments folders (file submission) was set up as an Individual folder, when it should have been set up as a group folder. As a result, we have over 190 students who see "file not submitted" when in fact, it was submitted by the group scribe. Can we edit to show that all students have submitted…
Alternatives to Wikis
Hello! My institution is in the midst of moving from Blackboard to Brightspace. Does anyone have any recommendations for what feature in Brightspace may allow for the type of activity the "wiki" feature in blackboard enabled? Thanks!
Remove "Description" label from Quiz start page
Is there any way to remove (or toggle off) the word "Description" on the welcome page to a quiz? Tags: UX, User Experience
Functionality problems - can't upload files and can't see quiz errors
The drop box is not allowing me to upload a document. Clicking add a file takes me to the screen which should allow me to select where to find the file, but the whole page is protected so that I cannot click on My Computer. Also, after submitting a quiz last night, the page that should allow me to view my mistakes did not…