Using Media Library or Course Files to manage videos with transcripts

We're trying to find the best workflow for adding videos that use the Media Library auto-generated closed captions.

Previously, before using CC, we had been uploading videos to an Assets folder in the Course Files and inserting them directly into the course. Now that we are using the Media Library to edit the closed captions, we're unsure of the best process for storing and accessing videos.

  • If we continue to add videos into Course Files, will they automatically then appear in the Media library?
  • If multiple people are working on a course, do they all see the course videos in the Media Library? For example, if someone else wants to edit the captions, do they need to upload the video separately?

Many thanks


  • Hi Sian,

    It is so great you are taking advantage of the captioning feature of the Media Library!

    • If we continue to add videos into Course Files, will they automatically then appear in the Media library?

    No. Videos added to the Manage Files area of a course will not automatically end up in a user's Media Library. If videos are added to Content, then they will automatically be added to the user's Media Library.

    • If multiple people are working on a course, do they all see the course videos in the Media Library? For example, if someone else wants to edit the captions, do they need to upload the video separately?

    Media Library Videos can only have one owner (for now), the person who added the video to the course content or to their Media Library directly. The owner is the typically the only person who can edit a video they own. The exception would be those with administrative permissions. Administrators can typically see and edit all the videos in the Media Library for all owners across the organization.

    Hope this helps!

