Adding third party tools in Brightspace Assignemnts
What is the best practice for adding third party tools in the Brightspace Assignments tool? Should faculty use the Insert Stuff button or the Add Existing Activity button at the bottom of the page? Which will interact better with the gradebook and cause less confusion for the students?
Anonymous Marking
If students submit word documents in an assignment with anonymous marking turned on, is it possible for the instructor to download the word doc, and in the Word doc Properties menu see the student information? Or, does Brightspace anonymize the Word doc Properties details as well?
Is there anything equivalent to the Blackboard WIKI?
I am looking for a way in Brightspace for students to share information with one another, such as posting a description of their class project which would evolve over time and provide opportunites for feedback and collaboration. I used the WIKI in Blackboard, but don't see anything obviously similar in Brightspace. Any…
I want to create an interactive wall so my students can introduce themselves, is this possible?
I want to create an interactive wall so my students can introduce themselves and see each other's presentations. Is there a way to achieve this? I know there is a discussions tool but is there any other way it can be linked to an assignment or any other tool in the platform?
I am wanting to integrate Duolingo into Brightspace, is this possible?
I want my students to have a folder where students can practice with/game with Duolingo. If so, is there a way to make this interactive between all students where they can play games together?
The Scheduler tool
I am trying to access the "Scheduler tool" for a course, but all I see is calendar, where do I find that tool? Thanks, Len
How do I use the meeting scheduler in Brightspace
Hi there! I'm trying to use the meeting scheduler tab to schedule presentations. I need to make bookings available in blocks e.g. three people can select the same meeting time. I can create the meeting but I have no idea how to share it with my students. Any help would be appreciated.
How do I delete my account
I made this account by mistake and I’m wondering how to delete it
Written Response questions need .* wild card auto grade option.
Written Response questions should have .* wild card auto grade option like short answer questions so. We are teaching 720 students this semester. Autograding all question types is critical. Also, it should able to be autograded for full credit if a file is attached.
Adaptive release rules are needed
We should be able to post content and release it to students with (e.g.) group/section parameter AND a time parameter. We teach multiple sections and release different versions of assignments to different sections. These assignments are only open during their section times. Blackboard has adaptive release rules that enable…
maximum amount of text able to be pasted into a question field
It looks like there is a limit to the number of characters which is shorter than I remember it from last year (pre-update). The limit is unreasonably low, in my opinion. This slows down the writing of quiz questions as the text of many of my questions now have to be pasted in pieces. ON EDIT: PLEASE DISREGARD. PROBLEM WAS…
Is there a tutorial on how to set up a course for first-time Brightspace users? Thanks.
When I insert images on flip cards (using insert image) the image never fits.
Images are always cut off on flip cards. What I'm using is not big - but it goes half way up the flip card and looks odd.
Quiz Question Bank
I am having trouble importing a question bank csv file to Brightspace from Classmarker.
Course extension options
Some of our courses are available for a period of 12 months from the date of enrollment. Some of our learners, however, request a discretionary extension towards the end of the 12 months. We offer this extension in the form of 1-3 months, through the use of IAs, Groups and a "Learner - extension" Role. Is there a better…
Intelligent Agents - is there a setting to "reset" after sending an email?
Aloha— I currently have an IA set to email students who have not logged into the course in three days as a courtesy reminder. After the email is sent, I do not want to keep spamming their email boxes every day, which is what is happening. I would like the act of sending the email to restart the three day counting period so…
Colleague can't update my SCORM package
I uploaded a SCORM package to my course, and I have shared it to the course. My colleague has access to the course, and can see the SCORM package. However, when they try to Upload New Version, it stalls during the upload process; it stays at 0%. How do we allow other Instructors to update SCORM packages they didn't upload…
How to add an interactive map on an assignment
Is there a way to add an interactive map on an HTML/assignment page in Brightspace. The instructor has a link to the interactive map but would like to display the map directly on the page and not have students click the link to the website.
How to create an acknowledgement on an assignment
An instructor has policy documents for students and wants an acknowledgement component. How can one be added to the assignment?
How do I alter the automatic quiz question numbering?
I have an a quiz where each section is a core question, with the questions within the section being parts a,b, c etc. The D2L quiz question automatic numbering make the tables, diagrams and question sections very confusing. How do I hide them?