Associating SCORM with a Grade Item

Is the only way to associate a SCORM file with a Grade Item is from the Add Course Package - SCORM/xAPI menu?

Can you create a Grade Item in the Gradebook, and associate a SCORM file from there?


Best Answer

  • Chris.S.534
    Chris.S.534 Posts: 375
    Answer ✓

    Hi Lesley,

    As the SCORM package is imported into the content service you get the option to associate a grade item with the activity in the package. If you have selected no at this point, after the import of the package you can edit the Grade Item association through the content tool, and edit the SCORM activity settings.

    Always best to test changing SCORM/Grade Item settings before learners have interacted with the activity to ensure you get an expected outcome.

    Hope that helps!