Colleague can't update my SCORM package

I uploaded a SCORM package to my course, and I have shared it to the course. My colleague has access to the course, and can see the SCORM package. However, when they try to Upload New Version, it stalls during the upload process; it stays at 0%.

How do we allow other Instructors to update SCORM packages they didn't upload themselves?

And how to we ensure the updated SCORM package is still associated with the correct Grade Item? We are using a release condition based on the Grade book item.

Thanks in advance.



  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 573 admin

    Is your colleague attempting to upload another new SCORM package in place of an old one?
    When a SCORM file is uploaded there's a file that comes in with it- and if I remember correctly that file (the manifest) is kind of eaten up through the process of import.

    So your colleague would need a new SCORM package with the manifest in order to import an update.

  • Lesley.M.416
    Lesley.M.416 Posts: 9 🌱

    Thanks for your response.

    Yes, we are in the New Content Experience.

    I've uploaded SCORM package "A" to my course.

    My colleague goes to my course, and locates my SCORM package "A". He is trying to update it with SCORM package "B".

    He can see SCORM package "A". When he selects the three dots to the right of the file, then Upload New Version, he tries to upload SCORM package "B." The screen is frozen and remains at 0%. It never updates.

    Both SCORM packages are zipped using our eLearning authoring tool, and they both have the imsmanifest.xml file.

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 573 admin

    Hi @Lesley.M.416
    Sounds good!
    These are the steps to replace a SCORM File -if you're working through these but the package is still failing to upload you'll need to open a support case to take a closer look at the module and scorm package.

    Reaching out to your school's help desk will start that investigation

  • Lesley.M.416
    Lesley.M.416 Posts: 9 🌱

    Thank you for the resources.

    If I may provide feedback about the support documentation; it mixes instructions between the Legacy and New SCORM experience.

    For example, on step 2 under Replace a SCORM or xAPI package in the Content tool, it says to click Upload/Create button. But, in my instance, it is the Add Existing button.

    So if the SCORM doesn't upload, it isn't an issue with Brightspace? Is that why I would contact our Technology Services team? Do you think this something related to our Internet service or hardware?

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Lesley.M.416
    Lesley.M.416 Posts: 9 🌱

    As a follow-up question: would the Instructor need to be enrolled at the Organization OrgUnit level in order to update a SCORM package they didn't upload themselves?

    Currently, the Instructor role we have is cascading, and enrolled in an OrgUnit below the Organization.

  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 573 admin

    Hi @Lesley.M.416
    My sincere apologies for the delay in response.
    I've shared your feedback on the documentation with our Knowledge Team to schedule some updates based on this note. Thank you for sharing back with us here!

    I believe as long as the original SCORM file has been added to the course, at the course level, and that your colleague is an Instructor role in that course- they should have the permissions needed to update that file.