Files automatically converting to PDF when uploaded directly from Google Drive - New Content
Brightspace is automatically uploading my Google Docs as .docx files (when uploaded from my Google Drive, as I want them embedded), which doesn't allow my students to make a copy of them to then edit or use (i.e. for test reviews). This wasn't happening until last week. Brightspace is also now also automatically making my…
I am still lost here. I finished all the modules at the Brightspace site.
I am still lost here. I finished all the modules at the Brightspace site, but I am not sure if I am in the right place.
Duplicate Practices
I'm having trouble figuring out how to duplicate a practice (specifically Multi-Select) in Creator+ is this not possible? Looks like the data is created in a .json file somewhere, but I can't just cut and paste as that doesn't quite work. I don't seem to have any problem with duplication of elements however.
D2L Insights portal not appearing
Hi. We have two instances of D2L, one for testing and one for production. As far as I can tell, I have the permissions for the instructor role set the same in both instances, and the config variables set the same. But, I can't bring up the insights portal on our test instance, while it all works fine on our production…
Missing descriptions when scrolling down Table of Contents
Hello, When a student scrolls down the Table of Contents, they do not appear to be able to see the activity description. My concern is many will miss key information. For example, if my student was scrolling and came across this link. They would click on it but miss the fact that they need a password. In order for them to…
Content jumping ahead when selected
Hi everyone, I'm having the following issue and I was hoping someone would be able to help me out. In instructor view and learner view, when I click on a certain unit, instead of taking me to the first section within that unit, it will take me halfway down into the unit. Let's say the unit is made up of Lesson 1, Lesson 2,…
Is it possible to copy intelligent agents between course?
Is it possible to copy intelligent agents between courses? Also, if we create intelligent agents on a master course, will they copy over to a course copy?
Is there a replace string for groups???
I'm trying to customize my welcome announcement to students. I'm using {FIrstName} but I'd also like to include the group they've been assigned to. Is it group? groupid? Anyone know what the correct string to use would be? Is it even possible?
How do you apply Header row and column distinction in tables?
How do you apply Header row and column distinction in tables in Brightspace WYSIWYG and / or HTML editor? There is nothing in the properties sections to apply this without knowing HTML. This would be a good addition to the table properties box.
How do I delete a grade from my grade book that is a duplicate?
I have a journal entry location in my grade book, however, it is a duplicate entry. How do I delete the assignment from the grade book.
Data Set - Attendance
Hi, I tried to download the attendance for a course via Data Set and was given blank .csv file. Pls assist.
Quiz Feedback on Individual Questions
An instructor for one of our Stats courses has several quizzes with the entire solution to the question entered in the Feedback area for each question in each quiz. Students are allowed two attempts, with the highest attempt counted. After the first and second attempts, she wants students to see the questions they got…
Students not receiving password reset emails
Hi there, We have been getting an increased number of reports where students are requesting password reset emails, or I manually attempt to send the emails and they are never received. The students emails are gmail, yahoo and hotmail. Can you please look into this? Thanks
Welcome to Creator +
Check Out Creator+ Are you looking for more information on how you can create engaging, interactive course material without coding? Learn more about this new offering and check out real examples of course material made with Creator+ in the Brightspace Learning Center
Median for aggregating grades
Is there any easy way to use the median rather than the mean/average as the aggregation for a group of grades? Median is not even one of the functions available if you add a formula item to the gradebook, so I cannot add a formula or calculated column to use. I just want to get to the point I can say here are X number of…
How can Academic Support Role view Discussions in Class Progress?
Hello - I have Sys Admin role in Brightspace and can view Discussions in Class Progress and view how many posts a student has made on each discussion (inital post & then replies). I am trying to give Academic Support roles the same view, because my Award system is set up that a student needs 3 posts per discussion.…
Can individual discussion threads be hidden by the instructor?
Where do I find repository or org level reports for the LORs?
I saw that the LOR (learning object repository) has an event log for each object. Are there repository-level or org-level reports we can run? If so, what kind of reports are there? Where do we find them? I do not see that information in documentation.
Using ID links affects interface display
I've used h3 id and a href=# to create links that allow jumping from one part of a page to another. Here is the simplified code. <h3 id="overview">Overview of contents</h3> <p style="text-align: right;"><a href="#overview">back to overview⮭</a></p> However, when these links are clicked, the Brightspace toolbars disappear…
Why are my grades out of order?
When looking at grades, the columns for each weeks' assignments are out of order. Is there a way to rearrange, so I can see them chronologically? The data was imported from last year's course site, which I did not create, so I also don't know if this is by design or user error on the part of my predecessor.