Is there any user analytics tool that can be installed on brightspace?

We are looking to see if there is some form of user analytics tool; so that we can see where people are clicking (rage clicks, drop off clicks), heat map on our pages etc.
To understand how Brightspace is being used by end users, where they are clicking, where they are spending the most time etc.
Does anyone know if there are any tools that can be integrated to Brightspace?
Best Answers
We can connect to a variety of third-party analytics tools like Google Analytics and etc. Here is a page that links to various partners that assist with analytic data you mentioned above.
@Jenn.H.328 - Thanks, I can't actually see google analytics on the market place. We do already use google analytics for our own websites, so if we could use this on Brightspace that would be idea.
Here is the information to integrate Google Analytics. :)
Hi there!
Brightspace offers Learner Engagement Dashboards in the Insights Dashboard (
). The Engagement Dashboard can provide some really great insights into your learner engagement within a course ( ). Outside of those tools, there are also third-party tools that can be connected via LTI to provide similar information. 🤓 -
HI @Jenn.H.328 - yep we have the demo of Performance plus next week; so this may help to cover some of the insights we are hoping to gain.
I don't think performance plus would cover user user behaviour ie:
Do users scroll excessively?- What buttons do they give the most attention to?
Which page elements are blocking conversions?
Heat maps showing where users are spending time
Ability to collect user feedback
And the functionality to compare this data to some of our other websites data to see if similar trends are happening.
So was wondering if there are any other third party tools that do have an LTI connection, couldn't see anything on Clarity or Hotjars sites that said they could integrate with Brightspace. We want to gain an understanding of how we can improve user experience I think performance plus largely covers the learner engagement and progress side of things, so is more specific and individualized -
Hi again, sorry for the delay, I didn't see the notification for the reply! I am so sorry! The link I originally shared goes to our integrations page and it is filtered down to tools that provide analytics. All of the tools there would provide some sort of analytics and integrate with Brightspace. Google Analytics sounds like it may be the best option based on what you are looking for.
I hope that helps!