Can an intelligent agent be used to tally overall lateness of assignments for a class? or workaround
Manager Dashboard
How can we use this product to create meaningful integrations with regional employers so that they can have access and assign their employees to required trainings that the college offer such as micro credentials or training for the employee to meet the needs of that employer. I would like the employer HR to be able to use…
Download list of course names in .csv format
I can search for all course names that contain a phrase, such as "2023 Fall" or "Physics", etc. Is there a way to download that list in .csv format? Or any other format?
How do I stop the strobe effect on your training videos?
I am struggling to watch the videos on your training course because they are throbbing or strobing. Here's a link that demonstrates the issue: https://madisoncollege.yuja.com/V/Video?v=10160380&a=72955035
Assignment display changes that are not included in April release notes
Why was the date when the assignment feedback was last saved changed to a tooltip in the last update? I can find nothing about it in the release notes. We use that date for many reasons, like instructors knowing where they left off Grading/ reviewing assignments, especially during exam time, which is right now. We use…
i am not being able to connect my brightspace and book for the quizzes. can you help me
i am not being able to connect my brightspace and book for the quizzes. can you help me
Hey! How do I change my username?
How do I convert the grades to percentages?
It just shows the points per assignment
Improve quiz UX - left align "Question" labels
If we are not going to be able to remove or rename the "Question" labels, would it be possible to change the stylesheet for quizzes so that these labels left-align exactly with the question text? BEFORE - This is what it currently looks like: AFTER - This is what it could look like: AFTER - Or how about allowing users to…
Is there a way to remove "new submission notifications" for ungraded assignments in bulk?
I have assignments in my D2L course that are completion-based extra credit, and I want to remove the new submission notifications for them all but can't find a way to do that in bulk. I can't find a way to get the notifications to disappear unless I comment on each submission one by one, which makes no sense for me to do…
API Call to the Learner Usage Dataset
I am trying to automate the download of the Learner Usage Dataset and am running into an issue with my test call in Postman. I I using the below from the "Get List of Available Data Sets" sample; however whenever I must be missing something because when I try to run this, I am getting this error: { Errors: [ {Message: "No…
I have oAuth2.0 setup but requesting token asks to login
I'm trying to connect to API from c# code, I can request token through postman, but the request only works when I'm logged in;otherwise, it asks me to login and then I can retrieve the token by clicking on 'Get new access token'. This might work when I'm testing but when I'm trying to request token from c# code based on…
Link content to glossary
I've added a glossary to my course and want to create quick links from the first occurrence of each glossary term in the content to the glossary itself. However, I can't find "glossary" listed as a quick link option. Is there a method available to achieve this?
Merge User Accounts
Folks, I have two accounts for the same person. The previous one is a non-authenticated account and she was able to login, now that I have created an SAML2 authenticated account for her, she reports that she cannot login. I want to consolidate the two accounts so she keeps all her old content, but has only the new…
Error message when uploading SCORM package to LOR
When trying to upload a SCORM package to the LOR, I keep getting this error message about no metadata being found. The SCORM package was created using H5P via the Lumi app. I have no issues uploading the SCORM as a course file, but it will not allow me to add it to the LOR. Second question: I am trying to upload the SCORM…
Time Restricting Assignments
Thank you for any help you can provide. I am brand new to Brightspace. We are looking for a way to deliver "cases" (in PDF format) to your graduate students this summer, and to have our students attempt and submit responses (in Word format) within a set period of time - for example 90 minutes. I've found that I can create…
Pagination/students per page in Gradebook
How can I change the number of students faculty can view per page in the gradebook? Right now the max they can see is 10 per page and we have set our pagination settings to 250, but it hasn't affected the gradebook. Any tips?
Help me change the number of users I can view in my gradebook!
I have watched the tutorials. I know where to go. I just can't change the number of users in my gradebook - why? How can I fix this? In most of my gradebooks, I can see all of my students without having to save the page and go to another page…but in two of my courses, it only shows me 10 students at a time. When I am in my…
Problemas com a ferramenta notas
A ferramenta notas fica constantemente processando. Por mais de um vez, tentamos acessar e realizar correções e não conseguimos.
can i export any of the free courses?
can i export any of the free courses?