Is there a way to make Exempt work with formulas?
Let's say I have two items in my grade book, A and B, each worth 10 points. And I have a formula item, Total, with the following formula: (([A.Points Received] + [B.Points Received]) / ([A.Max Points] + [B.Max Points])) * 100 And I have a student who scored 10/10 on item A, and is Exempt for item B. I am finding that their…
I am unable to access the final exam link to turn in an essay.
Hello, I am taking and ENGL Lit class and the final exam does not have a link to turn in the essay. I have emailed the professor for help and she told me to contact Brightspace.
deleted assignment
Hi, How can I recover a deleted assignment from the assignment tab? I accidentally deleted one of my students' assignments.
Is it possible to set up multiple enrollment emails in different languages?
We run courses in both English and German and have both language packs implemented. We would like to have an enrollment email for each language sending out when we enroll new students, however in the Mail Template Manager I cannot see the option to have multiple Enrollment E-Mails or options to save more than one. Is there…
How to open LeaP from politemall
This version of Brightspace LeaP is only accessible using the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability Specification from an appropriately configured Learning Management System.
How can I create a hyperlink at the start of a html content page to another part of the page?
Hi, Been searching for the answers here for an hour but couldn't find it. How do I create a hyperlink at the start of a html content page to another part of the page? Thanks!
Custom Hosted Widget Replacement
Soon the Custom Hosted Widgets should be replaced with System Widgets. However, I still haven't read anything about the inability to attach Release Conditions to System Widgets, while they are currently attached to the Custom Hosted Widgets. I still do not see how this will work in the new situation? Are Release Conditions…
Using Media Library or Course Files to manage videos with transcripts
We're trying to find the best workflow for adding videos that use the Media Library auto-generated closed captions. Previously, before using CC, we had been uploading videos to an Assets folder in the Course Files and inserting them directly into the course. Now that we are using the Media Library to edit the closed…
Learning center
I have completed the service partner course and How long it will take to get the certificate?
Downloads from D2L are now being directed to Brightspace instead of the normal download process.
Where do I get my downloads?
Documentation GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/outypes/(orgUnitTypeId)
Dear madame/sir, This API is not documented enough: I'm missing 2 items: Oauth2 Scopes Return Can you add this information and/or provide this via this platform, so I establish a succesful request/response? Thanks in advance!
I need a Final Calculated Grade formula of 70% that also requires each grade item to be over 70%?
HEIC file preview not supported
Hello, can you please clarify (or work on incorporating) HEIC image preview for assignment submissions? This has been a standard format for Apple devices since 2017. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/file-types/image/raster/heic-file.html
What does it mean when I don't see a download option for a particular class?
There are two classes which I don't have the "Download" option on as shown below. Does the download option appear only in instances where there is actual content in the class?
New Certificate ID Feature
Hi there, Just wondered if anyone had used the new Certificate ID feature? The latest release update seems to suggest that it's ready for use but I cannot get this to work. Thanks, Laura.
Edit Categories
I have an existing category. By the end of the semester, I decided to remove each student's lowest grade. How can I do this? All posts show how to do this while creating a new category, not an existing one.
Is there a way to incorporate an automatic late penalty for assignments or discussion posts?
I have a late policy in my syllabus that states a student will lose x% per day late. I was wondering if there was a way to automatically do this in assignments or discussion rubrics? Thanks!
Setup Wizard
I have three classes set up in BS, ALL classes are set the same in Setup Wizard (grades). Two of my classes show the students their final grades at the top when they log into BS to see their grades, the third class doesn't show the grade. EVERYTHING is set the same and yes, Release Final Adjust Grade is checked. Any ideas…
New Feature! Announcement Popup!
Could we have a popup that notifies the student of announcements?
Self enrolment key?
Does BrightSpace have a self enrolment key option? I have a course called Language Placement Tests. Inside it, I have groups called Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. I want to give students a link and a code that will allow them to self-enrol in a course and be placed directly into one of the existing groups. I know I can do…