Export/Import Brightspace Packages do not seem to provide identical setup
I have an org unit/module with content, quizzes, release conditions, grades. The layout in Content is basically Parent folder and Sub-folders with pages, quizzes. Had planned to export this out as a Brightspace package so that my users can download the package at their own time and import this package into their own…
Complete title on course tiles
Somehow I added a setting on one of my courses to mark the tile as complete when the learner finishes it, but I can't get the same thing on my other courses and it's causing confusion with my learners. How do I add this?
What role permissions are needed to prevent the "Not Authorized" API response?
I have an LTI 1.1 app in brightspace that performs the following actions and I need to know what Role Permissions (I created a custom API Service Account role) I need to not get the "Not Authorized" message in my API response when performing the below actions. - Create a user - Delete a user - Enroll a user into a Course…
Apple pencil won't draw lines
My apple pencil used to let me write on homework. Now it will only highlight or highlight with light gray writing. What setting changed and how do I get it back to being a writing utensil.
text submission locked
Teachers are finding that sometimes they accidently set an assignment to "text submission" vs "file submission" and once they have had a submission, they can no longer change that option. Which in my experience to change that one setting means I need to copy the assignment, delete the old one and manually update any marks…
Support for Client Credential Grant for API Access
I wanted to reach out to ask if there are any plans to support the client credential grant for obtaining an access token for the API. Currently, I understand that only the authorization grant flow is supported. In my situation, there is no user or browser involved, and I need server-to-server communication. Therefore, the…
How to set up Row level security for datasets in Analytics Builder
Hi, I have been trying to set up RLS on a custom built dataset used across multiple dashboards. The RLS setup described in the AWS documentation (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/restrict-access-to-a-data-set-using-row-level-security.html) does not result in expected behaviour. As an owner of the…
QType — Description — Need a break between Sections when there are no Questions in a Section
I need students to be able to read some text. Then move to a new Section (next page) with questions. I can only add my reading to a new Section, but even though I create a new Section (and have selected "Add page break after every section") — there is no page break between the two. I have found if I add a Section with a…
Question about Grading Display
I’ve noticed that some of the cells in my grading sheet appear uncolored, even though the students submitted their work on time, in the same way, and at the same time as others whose items are correctly colored. Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it? In the image, you can see that while there are…
How can we manage SIS data for Course Offerings?
We need to integrate our application with D2L and need to pull assessment data for clients with for there course offerings. I found an article to manage SIS with IPSIS administration tool, but I can not see this option under Admin tools → Organization Tools → Tools available What needs to be done in order to have the IPSIS…
Submission View for multiple choice questions in Quizzes is not intuitive
Here’s the submission view for a multiple choice question on a quiz I took recently: This does not feel very intuitive. I asked a few of my friends, and they also said that they also have a hard time deciphering their feedback on multiple choice quiz questions. It’s also not very accessible as a result. Keeping it’s…
Bright Ideas: Brightspace Adoption Webinar Series for Upskilling - Engagement for Professional Learn
Is this video recorded? I missed the Zoom.
Grade book
am facing problem with d2l pulse application when i make the result on the course not visible for student its appear on d2l pulse application for students.
Is there a way to update the semester from a course using the API?
I have only been able to target the semester using POST upon course creation but I'm not able to update a course semester using PUT
Giving Feedback issue
An instructor tries giving a student in their course feedback, they get this message(see image). What can we do about it?
Why can't we set the permissions for a Dept Contact at dept level to enroll a facilitator?
We are trying to enable a Dept Contact in a course to enroll a facilitator but the latest security patch seems to present an obstacle that we can't overcome. The Course URL is Looking forward to hearing from you. ~Keri kmiller3@arizona.edu
Unable to view IPSIS permission on my D2l Instance
Hi, I'm working on integrating my application with D2L instance. I need to pull sis information on course offerings to map the D2l course offerings with my application's course sections. However, I can't locate the sis field inside a course offering. Upon reviewing the documentation…
Does Brightspace Annotation Tools has Templated Comments like in Turnitin Feedback Studio?
Hi, our academic find the Templated Comments like in Turnitin Feedback Studio really useful. However, for record management compliance we can only do marking in the Brightspace Annotation tools. The Templated Comments are customisable and could increase the speed, accuracy and the consistency in marking and feedback…
Brightspace Awards API - mass download all issued badges or certificates?
I'm trying to use Postman to write some Python to batch download all Awards issued organization-wide. I *think* that I'd need to make a GET call to https://{{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/bas/{{version}}/library/templates (no parameters) to get the full list of certificate templates that can be issued. I make that call but…
Institutional Policy for LMS
Does your institution have a specific learning management system policy in place? We have recently had some questions about information access and we are now working on our own Learning Management System policy, but we are curious how other Brightspace users have dealt with the issue of LMS policy. Would anyone be willing…