Classes not synching with D2L Brightspace
Hello Brightspace Team, We are about to next term SPRING 2024-2025 SEMESTER and we would like your guidance on requirements in order to avoid any type of inconveniences with our registration process. We have set up all the classes on anthology, however it is not synching with D2L Brightspace and we need some helping hand…
Efficient Workflow for Uploading Scanned Exams to Brightspace Without Manual Impersonation
Hello Brightspace Community, We have a workflow challenge and are seeking your advice. Our students write their exams on paper, which we then scan and upload to Brightspace. Currently, our process involves impersonating each student to manually upload their scanned exam under the appropriate assignment submission section.…
Virtual Classroom
Hello: Is Virtual Classroom something that is only used in synchronous courses or can it be used in asynchronous courses as well?
Can't Change Assignment Type to Group Assignment
I created an assignment in which I inadvertently failed to post date the start date until after I created groups for the class. A student submitted his work, which I did not grade, and the Assignment Type setting locked to Individual Assignment. I deleted the student's submission and changed the start date to a later time…
Can I change a widget's background color without the Homepage Widget Expansion Pack?
Can I change a widget's background color without the Homepage Widget Expansion Pack?
When are you fixing the sticky note glitch?
You have been aware of the sticky note glitches when writing online feedback for months. Specifically, the cursor skips to the start of the sentence when writing a note. When is this going to be fixed???
Permission to use screenshots in a dissertation involving D2L Brightspace
I am a doctoral candidate at Tennessee State University Department of Education. My dissertation is on the satisfaction of HBCU students using D2L Brightspace. I would like to include screenshots of D2L Brightspace. Whom do I need to contact for permission? Best regards, Edward Arnold
Rounding to the nearest 100
Hi there, I have an arithmetic question in BrightSpace where students are required to round to the nearest hundred. Round {a} to the nearest hundred. I was just wondering what the formula should be for this question for it to work correctly. At the moment, the formula is round({a}), but all the answers are coming up as 0.…
Can the learning standards / outcomes tool be used for curriculum mapping?
Our institution currently doesn't have the learning outcomes/standards option enabled for us but I was wondering, if we do get it enabled, could we map learning outcomes across different courses within a program and look at them together? Or is the scope of this feature only within a single course? Sorry if the tags seem…
Is there API support for Attendance Registers?
I know there are some LTI tools which can be surfaced in the Attendance tool, but haven't found any API documentation for pushing/pulling attendance data to/from an external tool.
how do I edit a document (syllabus) within a module in Lamaku
I create a module and place an old syllabus in it. Can I edit the syllabus in the module or do I need to edit on my computer before uploading. Question how do I edit a document within a module Lamaku
View quiz results if quiz is hidden
Our nursing department sets up their quizzes with Respondus LockDown Browser, puts a password on the quiz, and sets the results view to a limited 15 minutes viewing time after quiz submission. Previously, the instructor would wait until all of the students were in the quiz, then they would hide the quiz from users. That…
Student Issue
Hi, I teach SWK 6140 F202 RG 24F2 Social Welf. One of my students is having issues posting his peer responses. He said, "I was unable to because I was informed that my post was on hold and pending evaluation." He has been able to post in this course before. I am not sure why he is having this issue. Do I need to do…
Notifications: settings set correctly?
Hi, Just a quick question to check on something: we've set up for all users that they receive the checked notifications below. However: we've set up the default frequency to Never. Does this mean the notifications that are checked won't be send out? I first thought that those notifications would be send out any time there…
Is there a way to only list student usernames in Dropbox
We tried using anonymous marking for our Dropbox assignments, but when 5 out of 10 students are selected to have their assessments published, all 10 students will no longer be anonymous in the Dropbox folder. So we are thinking of changing the usernames we use for student accounts and were wondering if Dropbox can list…
Does anyone know about the 'Submit feedback for this topic' option?
Students can submit feedback for content topics by opening the action arrow for a topic and selecting 'Submit feedback for this topic'. Does anyone know where I can access this feedback or where the feedback is located? Thanks, Aaron
Setting up a cookies banner - to get user consent for Google Analytics
Hi, We have installed google analytics on our dev site for Brightspace, and would love to start collecting data in live. However we can't find any documentation bout adding a cookies banner into brightspace, and ensuring that users consent before we collect their data. Can anyone point us i the right direction for this…
Using Brightspace to Track Scholarship Points
I recently started building a Brightspace course for the scholarship program that I oversee, in which each of our 100-120 scholars must earn 100 points per year based on their campus involvement. For example, being a student org president earns you 15 points, attending an educational campus lecture earns 5 points each,…
Content Service documentation/knowledge articles for Instructors and Learners
Hi folks. Content service objects (Content Objects) are listed in our content classic experience for all learners and faculty to see, but they don't (appear to) have any documentation guides that help explain what that type is. I am wondering if there is a page i missed that explains all the different types of Content…
Turnitin not providing submission button/needing administrator permission to remove from assignment
I had an instructor say he received several emails from students stating they didn't have a way to submit the assignment (which would go through Turnitin). We did not get any screenshots of this. The instructor then went to remove using the Turnitin feature but he said a notice came up saying he had to get administrator…