discussion topic views

Charmaine.P.705 Posts: 26 🌱

HI, how do those get calculated please? for example, if a group restricted thread had 4 group members in it, and the Views on the post were at 15 , thanks!


Best Answer

  • Owen.M.3197
    Owen.M.3197 Posts: 69 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi Charmaine,

    The discussion views (# beside the little eye) are calculated as total visits, even repeat visits, across all users. Unique views is not able to be seen at this time.




  • Charmaine.P.705
    Charmaine.P.705 Posts: 26 🌱

    thanks Owen, if a topic is set to 'Visible to All Groups in Groups
    Threads separated by group' , when we visit the Group and Section restrictions tab, I dont see that topic listed there at all under the Forum in which its housed. I was expecting to see the topic and see Restricted box ticked and then all the groups ticked

  • Charmaine.P.705
    Charmaine.P.705 Posts: 26 🌱

    ok, i think that when a topic is set up under the Category in Groups and we select the box for 'Set up discussion areas' and then >Attach to existing topic,