Assignment submissions past the due date
Assignments submitted after the due date should not overwrite the 0 (or other grade) put in at the due date. This defeats the whole purpose of having due dates on assignments.
Knowledge Checks - Answer Option Explanations
Hi, we are using Knowledge Checks as part of our courses on Brightspace. We have set up Knowledge checks with 10 questions each and feedback for the answers. Is there an explainer table of what each of the symbols mean when a learners clicks on "Check Answers". See screenshot attached. The correct answers here are 2, 3 and…
new/classic content experience
which roles/permissions do I need to select in order to give someone the possibility to switch from the classic content view to the new content experience within one course?
Please assist me with adding an extra hotspot onto the hotspot element
Please assist me with adding an additional spot for the hotspot creator plus element. The template wont allow me to add another hotspot its capping it at 10. Internal controls procedures for cash management - FIMA6120_2025 Uplifted Without MA Kindness Ofentse
Re changing gradebook weights after some have been graded
Can I change the maximum points of a gradebook item after submissions have been graded? Currently for one assignment, the maximum points is set to 100, but I actually need it to be 15(%). How can I do this? Thank you!
Why is there a 1 minute limit on audio created with "Video Note"?
Can someone please explain the rationale for limiting an audio recording to 1 minute when using "Insert Stuff" - "Video Note" (then toggling to "Audio only"? Students have the ability to record for 30 minutes if they record video but only 1 minute if they record audio. This video shows what it looks like. The same is true…
Uploading grades in D2L
I use a third party app. I download .csv that has two columns, student emails and a number value. Student emails match those in D2L. How can I upload these scores into D2L?
export of pronouns in Brightspace for the UU
Dear reader, Can you please provide us a list with all the pronoums in Brightspace for the Utrecht university? (https://uu.brightspace.com/) Regards, heleen
Is it possible to set up one navbar at a brand level and have it automatically push to all org units
I would like to create a standard navbar (a standard but customised navbar for each brand) for multiple different brands under my institution (one institution basically owns multiple college brands and all their various campuses) and have the same navbar applied to all the courses under the specific brand. Unfortunately…
Why is Intelligent agent is not picking up one student?
I am using Intelligent agent to give the students a congratulation email for getting 100% on a quiz. I had 7 get 100% When the agent ran it only picked up 6 of them. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas?
Why do some of the questions in my quizzes disappear?
I have set up a number of quizzes and when I go back to look at them I have noticed that some of the questions have disappeared. What could be causing this?
Is there a fixed Teacher Module feature?
A teacher Module is always hidden from students, has lesson plans and other teacher documents including marking guides and answers. Currently, we have been creating a Module with that label and keeping it hidden. Also, added a Release Conditions to ensure only with the teacher role can view.
How to get students to see course average?
I have 2 course one of them the students cannot see their course average but in the other they cannot. The Grade setup wizard is identical in both courses.
Can Assignment submissions be automatically uploaded to portfolio?
Is it possible to link assignment submissions to the portfolio tool where a student's assignment upload automatically gets sent to their portfolio as well? If possible, how can I set this up? If not possible, would something like an intelligent agent be of any help creating this assignment-portfolio link?
Annual PD Training Course - Best way to set it up
One of our departments is looking to set up a mandatory professional learning course in the HUB with the following requirements: "I’m hoping that everyone can do all of the lessons at least once and then on an annual basis, since completing all of the lessons does take some time, I’d like to have the option to rotate the…
Students receiving notifications after completing course
Students are receiving email notifications after completing a course and being removed from the course class list. I have checked various admin setting within Brightspace but have not found a setting to control this from the admin role. Is the only way to stop the notifications to have the student (or admin) turn off the…
leaving quizzes open so students can see their submission
I should not have to leave a quiz open (visible) for students to see the questions and answers on their submission. Their answers should be in their grades entirely separate from their access to quiz attempts.
Intelligent agents not identifying user with replace string.
I have an intelligent agent set up to email registration staff whenever someone completes a course, so they can check off their course requirement. I've run this several times, but the replace string to say who the user is doesn't work. I've tried {InitiatingUser} and {FirstName} {LastName} but it just comes up as the…
duplicate / shadow assignments appeared
I somehow have created duplicate assignments within my gradebook that are named "File"(1) or "File"(2). Some of these show up for the students with no grades, others show up with grades twice. I know I have to delete one of the assignments, but which one? I don't want to lose the student grades, or have to enter them all a…
How do I delete an LTI Advantage tool?
I can see a list of LTI Advantage tools on the page at d2l/le/ltiadvantage/registrations/home but I cannot see an option to delete an item from the list, merely to enable/disable it. Is there a special role/permission needed for deletion? I have tried ones like "Delete External Learning Tool Links" but none seems to have…