View course progress with the Class Progress tool (Learner Tutorial Page)
Hello, Can the Learner "View course progress with the Class Progress tool" tutorial webpage include the current "Class Progress Overview" video (https://youtu.be/FGjB0oMu92k?si=bqvJR6IFlaGELO7a). It has the old videos still on the page. Thank you!
Is there an icon on the Enter Grades page that shows students in progress in a quiz?
In the Blackboard original Grade Centre, there is an icon (a little blue pie chart) that indicates students are in progress with a Test. Since the Grade Centre displays the whole class, it is a convenient way to monitor how many students are currently completing a Test in Blackboard. Is there a way to enable something…
I need to add widgets on the right side of my homepage of the brightspace above "what to do" widge.
Regarding the Course Calendar Feature
Hello Community, We are fairly new users to Brightspace. A couple instructors who are early adopters have some questions regarding the functionality of the Calendar tool. Rather that trying to rearticulate their comments, I'm going to provide the words below. I would appreciate any guidance that you can provide with this.…
How to create a component that allows me to show an Introduction module in the homepage.
Greetings! I'm trying to create a course for my college which should simulate a gamified route following the next sections: Introduction module, activities module (which is a map that allows students to travel around the world (activities per continent) that must be solved to get experience from every continent) and…
Questions Regarding Completion Tracking
Dear Community, We are fairly new to Brightspace, an instructor has some questions about the Completion Tracking feature within Content Settings. The instructor would like to set her account's default to Not Required. Is it possible for that preference to be set by an individual without making the change for the entire…
Unable to find any way to export/import course offerings in bulk using CSV
Hi Community, I need to export all course offerings information (eg:- name, code start date, end date etc) in CSV from my D2l instance. But i am not able to find such feature. I tried giving permissions related to bulk course import/export. But unable to find the exact steps. Plese help me out if any one know about such…
AI statement prompt
This is a shot-in-the-dark question but I think it would serve folks beyond me and my class. Here's what I would love to see and why. Over the last year, I've had a moving target policy regarding AI use in essay writing for assignments. I allow students to use AI in certain contexts (which I outline in my syllabus and in…
New assignment and new comment notification icons gone
Hi, all of a sudden red icons that appeared on each of our courses notifying us of how many new assignments and new comments were posted are gone so now instructors have to get into grading inside the course to see new assignments. Any help with bringing those notification icons back? I'm attaching a screenshot of what it…
Has anyone gotten a question mark on a Quiz?
I have an instructor who is getting this error message on a Quiz under the content tab. He needed to adjust a question (which he could through the quiz itself). However, this specific question pool didn't show up in his question library. Every other pool was there except this one. Could someone offer assistance to help me…
Link to multiple separate grade items
Is there a way to have an assignment link to multiple separate grade items? For example, I'd like to be able to assess an assignment using a rubric that has multiple criteria groups, such as Thinking and Application, and then have those go in as two different grade items.
Is there a way to export an entire class' marks broken down by rubric criterion for an assignment?
I associated a rubric with an assignment. The gradebook shows the summation of the rubric marks, but I'd like a spreadsheet with the grades for every student and what they received for each criterion. Is this possible in D2L? I am an instructor.
How do I increase the number of items per page. 10 or 20 is too small; I need 50.
Links in rubrics no longer work for Learners
When I am logged into BS as a Super Admin and I go to Course Admin, Rubrics and I click on a link in a rubric it works. When I click on the same link as a Learner in Assignments it doesn't work. This is a new issue, it started happening a few weeks ago. This is the rubric with the links: This is the error message I get as…
Please address problems with pagination in quizzes
I cannot understate how frustrating it is to not be able to use "Sections" to break up my quiz content where I want. Not everyone wants to use 5 or 10 questions per page. Not everyone wants a break after every question. Not everyone wants one long page of questions. The rigidity of the current system is having a…
Can you download any of the instructor training courses from the community into Brightspace?
D2L used to have courses that were available for import into D2L for faculty training. Does this option still exist? I would like to be able to offer faculty training without having to leave our Brightspace instance.
Quiz sharing from the repository
I want to confirm that I should be able to create a question bank and a quiz, locate it in the repository and share it out to multiple courses. Any updates to the questions for the quiz in the repository should automatically be reflected in each course's quiz. A workflow would be greatly appreciated.
How can I obtain the assignment ID when the external tool launches?
Hi, I've integrated an external tool into Brightspace using deep linking, and everything works it launches correctly. I've also sent back a deep linking response, which has been added as my external tool link to the assignment. However, after checking the payload I received from the tool launch, I noticed that there is no…
How to migrate announcements from Blackboard Learn to Brightspace
My Blackboard Learn course has about 70 announcements that are now unavailable for students to view because their end dates were in the past. I keep them that way, and each semester I activate them at various times by setting new start dates. When my Blackboard course gets exported and then imported to Brightspace, will…
Student Evaluations of Instructors
Hello, We currently use the Brightspace Survey tool to administer our Student Evaluations of Instructors survey. This can be time-consuming for our Curriculum Support person, and we are hoping to find out how others are administering their SEIs. Is there a way to copy surveys to more than one course at a time or multiple…