How do I add an overseer to my course?
Score-based custom quiz results display
Hello, We include a wrap-up and preview of the next module in a lesson page that is released after the module quiz is passed (80% or higher), and the learner needs to visit this page to formally complete the module and unlock the next module. We'd prefer to include this wrap-up/preview info in a custom results display…
Is it possible to allow instructors to unenroll without giving enrol permissions?
Our students are currently rostered in courses from our SIS using CSV Standard. When instructors merge their courses, SIS course registrations are added to the new parent course which is great. The problem is that when when students are withdrawn from the course in our SIS, there is no way to trigger an automatic…
ESL Tools
I NEED HELP! This is my 2nd year using Brightspace with my district and every semester I try to add more to my brightspace platform, The focus this semester is helping out my ESL population and trying to see if I can embed a tool that can translate information i post on brightspace and a tool that does text to speech.
Repository for the Default Course Image Library
As mentioned in the Documentation, D2L Brightspace has a image library that teachers can use to set course images on a whim, including having those images be tagged (i.e. searching skeleton results in the library pulling images of a skeleton). I really enjoy the selection of these images from what I've seen as a learner…
Can I set up negative points for attendance?
Hello, I am wanting to set up a way to create negative points for attendance. Students will not earn any points for attending class, but they will lose points for being absent. The points lost will come from the final grade total. Could I get a walk-through on how to set this up?
Parent org unit mapping not found
when I create my courses from IPSIS for the new session, I get this message “Parent org unit mapping not found”. However, the information seems to be correct and everything works manually.
How can I ensure the video I uploaded is view in its entirety before a student takes quiz?
I see the rule where the student cannot take the quiz until the video topic is clicked, but they could simply click it and then go straight to the quiz without watching any of the material. Is there a way to ensure they can't get to the quiz until the entire video is completed?
Competency Tracking in Brightspace
Is there a way to track students Outcome (Standards met) progress in one place for all competed outcomes by program and allow students to view their progress throughout their education journey? Is there a one place where students and staff can see met and unmet outcomes of students? Is there a competency tracking…
Course Content Module Retrieval
I inadvertently deleted all the modules in Content in a course- how do I get them back?
How do I unmerge classes?
How could I create an assignment that enables revisions?
A class assignment is to create a presentation. The first draft of this assignment will be reviewed and commented on by instructors after the first due date, then submitted again for final grades. Is there any way to keep these submissions within the same assignment?
Home Page Widget
Hello! Is there a way to hide a widget on the course's homepage without hiding it in the course content? If I delete a widget while editing the home page will that also delete the content I've added within my modules?
training badge
I completed the online training, but it is not showing a badge of completion to prove my work
Quiz Re-entry
Hi, I have noticed a cheating method student's use when the quizzes are ran under Lockdown browser. Let's say a student starts to write the quiz under lockdown browser. It's funny it also possible to do a quiz-re-entry to the same quiz, using the same login when the student is writing the exam. The student doesn't have to…
Edit the instructions for sorting in Creator+
Above are the built-in instructions for the Creator+ sorting element. I can't seem to find a way to edit this text myself. Is it possible for us to make changes to this, or is this an dev task? The suggested revision is for the Tap instructions. "Select a sortable item. Select a category and drop the sortable item."…
Bulk Add Copied Assignments to Gradebook?
I've copied a course over from a previous semester's version. The date shift feature was a huge help. Now, though, it seems that I have to manually, one-by-one, click to edit each individual assignment, and click to add it to the gradebook. There should be a bulk edit option to add all to gradebook at once. Otherwise, this…
Survey question
Do any other instructors have problems that students cannot open your End of Course Survey? Do you know whom to contact? Thanks. Mrs. D
What is AWARDS under My Home about for Admins?
When an admin selects AWARDS from the homepage (or by selecting My Home when in any course) a submen including "Classlist Awards", "Course Awards" etc. appears. It is hard to understand the purpose or meaning of the choice here, though. For example, while a list of users appears under Classlist Awards it is unclear which…
Change view from student to Instructor
My view is Student when I am an instructor.