How do I copy webpages with the same Brightspace course?
Hi Folks, If I have a moudle or weekly structure in my course, say Module 1, Moudle 2… and the same kinds of webpages every week, say Accoordian, then content, then disucssion, etc. Is there a way through course builder or manange files to copy the files from module 1 into moudle 2, and then adjust them as needed for…
How to Assign Due Dates for Discussion Boards in My Course?
Is there a way to assign a due date for discussion boards? Dicussion boards are integral parts of my instruction. I need to be able to assign due dates.
Insights: How to find how many Instructors and how many students are using Brightspace
How do i find out how many Instructors and Learners have used the system during a period. I do get the number of access; but it doesn't translate for me the unique faculty access. I want to tell administration that for example: out of 500 faculty that were synced in for this semester; 230 were actively using the system; or…
LOR and broken content links
An Instructor in one of our continuing education courses has published a significant amount of content (PDFs, documents and images) to an LOR and spent significant time linking that content in their course. A few days later, it was discovered that those content links seemed truncated so that they referenced the appropriate…
What Discussion?
I received this email…(Hello Asia, I noticed that you have not yet posted an Introduction of yourself to the BrightSpace discussion board. You will also not be able to participate in our Lab discussion boards used to prepare for our tests until this is done. It is a 60-second process to do so. Please click on this…
New Here
I am new here and I just wanted to say thank you for making this available to me. My question - "Why was I not aware of this during my last semester?" I think I would have greatly benefited from this resource.
Where to find Entity ID and Reply URL
My tech team is asking for what the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL). How do we find this information out? Many thanks!
SCORM completion tracking not working
Hi there, I would like to add some SCORMs created using Articulate Rise onto a course offering. They aren't graded, there's no test at the end, we just want people to move through and look at all the content. I have successfully uploaded them and they are linking and launching correctly within the course. I have them set…
Announcement Organization
I would like to be able to organize my announcements under a category/competency. For example, Every couple of days I put an announcement out "Pharm Tip of the Day". I use these same announcements every semester. I would like to be able to organize them into a category, so they are easy to navigate to, as I post throughout…
Moving student id Photo from ERP to D2L
We are looking to transfer student ID photos from our ERP to D2L using our iPaaS software, Constituo. Has this been done before?
not seeing roles filter in engagement settings
Can I copy Intelligent agents from one class to another, without copying the whole course?
I am an advisor and I am "in" several classes taught by different instructors. I am setting up standard IAs example Not logged in. Can I copy the individual Agents between courses without copying the whole course.
Do everyone has same toolId for internal tools like (assignment, quiz, topic etc).
I was using the grades API to pull grades :- in the response of that API we got a nested object in grades object "AssociatedTool": {"ToolId": 3000,"ToolItemId": ###} Just curious to know , lets assume if this ToolId is for discussion topic tool. Will it be same for everyone, those are using D2l. Or if this can be the case…
Keyboard shortcuts when creating presentations using Capture Web in Creator +
I'm trying to create a video using Capture Web in Creator + that will show my students how to navigate my Brightspace course. I went to the Media Library and chose "Create Recording." I chose to share my entire screen, and opened another instance of Brightspace set to "View as Learner" in another tab (which is the view I…
How to create a Formula item in the grade book that drops 2 of the lowest quiz scores
Hello, An instructor wants to add a Formula item that: (1) Drops the two lowest quiz scores from Category A (Note: There are seven quizzes in Category A) (2) Averages the "Category A subtotal" and "Category B subtotal" I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can give me.
Qti example
Hi, I haven’t received a response to my last question in previous discussions, so I hope to get an answer now. I’ve attempted to use an IMS QTI file, but I keep encountering an error during the import, stating that no quizzes or sections can be found. I’ve tried various examples from 1EdTech’s documentation, but…
I can't get my Visual TOC Banners to show the correct images
I'm having trouble getting my Visual TOC modules to show the images I want. All the modules seem to do is repeat the top banner. I include the images in the top of the description box inside the modules and list them as decorative, but it doesn't matter. Last semester they would show up in the Visual TOC modules…
Brightspace material
Hi, I can't see the course material on my Brightspace for one of my courses: Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Communications 2, COMM2202 - Section A15. I wonder if you could help me solve the issue? Thanks, Laya Soleymanzadeh
Gradebook Export to Excel Missing Columns for Exams
1/4/2025 Hello I am at University of La Verne setting up a course in economics on D2L Brightspace. I export/download the gradebook to an Excel file, but the two (in-class) exams that I have included in the assignment list do not export as columns in Excel. These do appear in the gradebook on the D2L Brightspace platform.…
Has anyone used an API to manage Special Access?
We are looking for a way to bulk edit/update Special Access for Assignments so that admins do not have to manually add these to every individual assignment. We are looking for a way to automate special access for our students with reasonable adjustments using API. If you've experimented with this before we'd be super keen…