IOS ipad & Apple Pencil Grading Capabilities?
Hello, Is there any chance Brightspace is developing (or has already developed) grading capabilities with an instructor app and ipad + pencil -- so that I can actually handwrite comments on submitted papers, mimicking the process of pen and paper? I taught at a school that used Canvas in 2022/23 and that is the 1…
Change my email address on brightspace
Hi, I am not receiving any emails from my professor because the email that is associated with my account is incorrect. How do I fix this?
Odd Error Students Get When Posting Discussions
Hi, I'm the student online support specialist at my college, and I've been getting an handful of students in an Art History class that keep getting this error when they try to post in the instructor's discussion area. One of the students actually got a picture of it and sent it to me. It's a little vague, so I'm trying to…
Web Filtering
I support a primary school which is looking to start using D2L Brightspace. I want to make sure their Smoothwall filtering system isn't blocking anything that they need, before they start using it. Is there anywhere I can obtain a list of URLs that need to be allowed through the web filtering system?
The display box now is too small to view and choose any questions from the Question library.
See the image below where no question can be seen-highlighted area. The scroll bar is also tiny -circled in red. I miss the option of just Add/Edit in old D2L settings. I can't figure out how to choose any question if I can't even see the questions at all.
Request for Help with Legend for Quiz Icons in D2L
I hope this message finds everyone well. I have set up quiz questions in my D2L course so that when a quiz is published, the D2L system displays the following to learners: The correct answers to the displayed question. The learner’s response to the displayed question. The learner's grade for the displayed question. Some…
Is there a dataset that shows which content objects are optional/required?
I'm trying to find a list of all pages that are marked as optional. I searched Content data sets - Brightspace and didn't see a column that provides this detail.
Intelligent agent for students who have not submitted work
I am trying to set up an IA for students who have not submitted any work to a course in the past two weeks. I already have an IA running for students who have not logged in to Brightspace at all. I can see that I can set one up for students who have not accessed a particular course. Here is my issue. I want the IA to…
How do I use superscripts and subscripts in Brightspace?
How do I use subscripts and superscripts when writing comments on students' submissions?
Where are the new question types?
While I was interested to read about the "Release of the New Quiz Evaluation Experience", I was disappointed to see no related plans to improve the range of question types available on the platform or the workflows required to create them. In fact, with the removal of support for Ordering and Matching, the update now…
How do I produce a file that lists all grades for Brightspace?
How do I produce a file that lists all grades for Brightspace?
Is there a way to enable TurnItIn on discussion posts?
Hello! I am hoping to find a way to enable TurnItIn for discussion posts in my courses. If this is possible, could someone provide the steps to doing so? I have super admin role, so permissions are not a concern.
Can I use one grade item for two assignments?
I have two versions of the same assignment. Students can only access one version and it produces a mark depending on which group they belong to. So I end up with two columns of marks. Each student has a mark for the assignment they did and a zero for the assignment they don't have access to. What I want is one column of…
Landing Page Access
I hvae an instructor who no longer has access to their landing page. All our courses are on instructor landing pages. They can access their course through the waffle, but when they log in our district page has become their landing page. I have checked all settings and they are enrolled as an instructor on their landing…
API account creation, lookup returns 403 Forbidden
I've been experimenting with the retrieval of BDS data sets via Postman using some of the Brightspace collections and have been successful at that. However, I've now started trying to provision users via API calls, and my calls always return a 403 Forbidden, even when trying to look up a user. My auth and refresh tokens,…
Simplifying the view of award release conditions
Our LMS team has set up release conditions for badges and awards in our course. One of the awards is triggered when a learner completes 6 specific module topics. In the badge description, I've mentioned that learners earn the badge upon completing all the units in the course. This should be sufficient information for…
Final Adjusted grade denominator and zeros
Hi everyone, Background: We are working on automating the transfer of Brightspace gradebooks to our Student Management System. To do this we have values in both the Final Calculated Grade (the majority of students) and the Final Adjusted Grade columns (those students needing adjustments after Faculty review). A two-part…
Where can I find information regarding this setting
On the About Anonymous Marking article (https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/5259-about-anonymous-marking), it notes the following: In instances where instructors are required to identify a user, such as when a learner is flagged for academic infringement, a permission exists which identifies all anonymous…
Content Progress
Could you please clarify how sessions are tracked and whether there could be any system errors affecting data accuracy? We observed that a student downloaded a document from Brightspace, yet the system recorded it as 1 visit | 0d 0h 0m 0s | Downloaded. How can a download be registered without any time allocation?…
Updating grades with Postman
Hello team! Actually Im trying to update some grades using APIs in this endpoint: https://udlatest.brightspace.com/d2l/api/le/1.25/{my_orgUnitID}/grades/{grade_item_id}/values/{student/user_id} When I make a Get request, i have this output: { "PointsNumerator": 9.000000000, "PointsDenominator": 10.000000000,…