Wh does the side bar on Brightspace looks empty for me?
Other users on the platform (same organization) do not have this issue; the side bars do actually show them content and sections. Not a general issue. I tried simple solutions such clearing the cash, using other browsers, nothing worked. Any insights please?
jQuery issues with Widgets
Hello community, My team and I have a custom widget that was working properly until last week. After trial and error my coworker found that updating the jQuery link version(1.11.3) to (2.2.4). Once updated, the widget started working again. I would like to ask if someone has had similar experiences, do you have a jQuery…
Elevate your e-commerce game with Course Merchant!
If you're a Course Merchant user, or are interested in learning more about Course Merchant, our full suite of Course Merchant documentation is now live in Brightspace Community! 🌟📚 Course Merchant is a search-friendly and brand-matched e-commerce system that allows anyone, anywhere to seamlessly discover, browse, purchase,…
Possible to merge user accounts in D2L?
I think I may know the answer to this question but I would like to be certain. In the event a user in Brightspace ends up with duplicate user accounts, is it possible to merge the two accounts together and expect the user data/course enrollments to merge in a logical, non-destructive way? It's great that the user name for…
How do I find the My work section
How to lock the units in D2L Brightspace New Experience
Hello D2L Community, I am working on a project, and we have made our modules using Articulate. We pasted them into the course shells as SCORM Objects with a window player. We use new learner experience. The challenge we are facing is that we require a passing score in a final quiz of the modules (we have 3). However, with…
Intelligent agent - faculty grading reminder
Is there an intelligent agent option that can remind faculty to grade work that remains ungraded after a certain number of days? Or any other ideas on how to automate this task?
Is it possible to auto-email Learners about reminders to course sessions?
I know how to email a classlist, but I'm wondering if it's possible to set up automatic email reminders? We have course series where there is only one class session per month, and it would be helpful to have automatic reminders instead of having to manually email reminders every month. Same with the reminders for the post…
Is it possible to delete Learning Groups?
I cannot figure out how to delete practice Learning Groups - can someone explain how to remove these?
Anatomy and Physiology 1
I am taking A & P one online currently and I'm having issues finding accessing my coursework assignments can anyone tell me how to access my assignments? I'm following the steps from my instructor, and I still can't find them.
how to start my class online?
Hi, I just started my online class, and I'm unsure where, how, and when to access my other class meetings and find out the teacher's name. I need help because I don’t want to miss my class. Thank you in advance!
New Experience - SCORM Object Displaying Layout
Hello D2L community, I would like to ask if there is a workaround of the issue with the displaying of a SCORM (2004, 2nd ed) Object in a new experience configuration. The main point for us to use the new experience for learners was to make videos in a full-screen mode available. However, placing the SCORM object as an…
Assign one group assignment to ALL groups (across ALL 'group categories'')
I'm encountering a nasty problem in my (currently running!) course: Assignments that were supposed to be 'group assignments', have become 'individual assignments' (somewhere in the process of copying last years course and configuring it for this year). I CAN still edit the final assignments that have no submissions yet,…
Limit self-enrollment to fixed number of Group Categories
Hi, I would like to know how students can self-enroll to a fixed number of Group Categories. I first wanted to have 1 Group Categorie with 4 sub-groups in which the student needs to enroll in a maximum of 3 out of the 4 groups, but that seemed impossible since self-enrollment in restricted to only 1 group of the Group…
Quiz score is a whole number, student scores end up with decimal places in the grade book
An Instructor recently held a series of quizzes as part of a final exam. The quiz was imported from a Blackboard course package along with all other course content. One of the original quizzes had one extra question for zero (0) points to solicit student feedback in a short answer question at the end of the quiz for a…
Does anyone use Email Addresses as Usernames?
We currently use First.Last format usernames but struggle with folks CONSTANTLY forgetting their usernames… and without those, they cant even use the Forgot your password option. Ive been asked to explore using the learners email address as their Username (they shoudnt forget it, they would all be unique). But I want to…
How to interpret Realease Condition data in the datasets?
I'm attempting to create a report showing the release conditions for a particular course's module. I can get the course, and the module using contentobjects and organizationalunits, but pulling anything usable from releaseconditionobjects has been fruitless. Can anyone give me the proper joins and where statements to get…
Can an admin see previous versions of an instructors feedback?
I'm trying to help the dean with a student issue, the student claims he received earlier feedback for several assignments, that he was on track and had earned full credit. Then, according to the student, the grade was changed on the morning of January 18th by the professor. Is there a way to check and see if feedback was…
Exporting Course information using API
I have had success exporting "grades" information using the API but so far have not been able to export course information. I have looked through the API documentation I can find and put together a GET string similar to what I use for grades that I thought should pull course information for a single course but it returns a…
It would be great if you could export an Excel spreadsheet from the sections rather than just the overall roster.