resubmit an assignment or discussion
IN many cases, I have told students to resubmit an assignment or discussion for various reasons, usually they did the wrong thing, wrong file or some other mistake due to an error can they resubmit something that I have already graded? what happens to the prior submission? does the grade book know to replace old submission…
I am trying to access Product Exchange Ideas to vote (PIE) and I am do not have access.
There was a problem processing your authentication.Your username/password was invalid or your particular user does not exist on our system. If you have any questions please see your system administrator. Are you able to assist? Thanks, Maureen
How do you make the description of a check list visible to all users?
Hey all, I've created a check list, but every time I enter in learner view, or impersonate a learner, I can't seem to see the description I wrote for the check list, just the options. I've searched for a solution, but can't seem to see any settings option in our instance of D2L. Attached is a screen shot of what I see. The…
self assessments / quizzes
My students cannot access the correct answers after they write the quizzes. Why is this?
I cant find my course
How do I see my assignments for my course?
Where are the new question types?
While I was interested to read about the "Release of the New Quiz Evaluation Experience", I was disappointed to see no related plans to improve the range of question types available on the platform or the workflows required to create them. In fact, with the removal of support for Ordering and Matching, the update now…
How do we create a Fillable table question in D2L?
We previously moved from Blackboard to D2L. One of my Math professors ran into an issue creating a fillable table quiz question in D2L as he had always used in Blackboard. Where the student can enter the answers directly into the table. Is this possible in D2L?
Test Users and Roles
Good evening, I have 2 questions: The API Test Tool site () states that you can use the DevCoPStudent account to test API calls to the test D2L site (devcop.brightspace.com). I am doing this successfully. Are there any other test accounts I can use to call the API, particularly a user that is a lecturer, not a student; and…
PIE Link Broken?
I'm attempting to access the PIE via the "Produce Idea Exchange" link under Resources, and I get directed to the Brightspace Learning Center instead to a page that says: Unavailable QuicklinkThe External Learning Tool is not available. Attempting to go to a previously saved link doesn't work, as the SSO sign-in has not…
Error 403 when creating a new user via API request
Hi, I'm trying to create a new user using a Postman request, but I'm getting error 403 (Forbidden). I already tested the whoami request and was successful (status 200); my username has all the credentials to create a user, and I'm using the scope "core:: user::" when creating the token. Is there something I am missing? I…
"Insert Code" option that popped up from the + button when answering written response questions.
hello, an instructor had this option last semester but now it is no longer appearing, can anyone provide any info please? I did see the Note: The Insert Code option is not available in the Quizzes tool. however; our instructor saw students using the 'insert code' option in Fall 2023 semester although the quiz questions…
How do I log into Bright space to complete a course as a student at Wilkes University?
403 authentication error
I got 403 authentication error when making the following API call: GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/items/(userId) Which permissions are required to run this API call
Why are there now random BS default images on homepage unit buttons
Hello Why are there now random BS default images on our course homepage unit buttons if an image was not selected in the course content? In some cases the BS default mountain image is replaced with the banner image e.g. This is OK but is a shame because visually the course looks very uniform and does not highlight key…
This client is not permitted to use the client_credentials grant
Hi, I'm trying to use lti 1.3 and I want to authenticate using https://auth.brightspace.com/core/connect/token I created a new client id using the Oauth 2.0 section in Manage extensibility as administrator However when I try to consume the service I receive an error: { "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description":…
If you unenroll a learner form a course, where do their assignments go? Are they deleted?
If you unenroll a learner form a course, where do their assignments go? Are their assignments (ex., uploaded documents) deleted? We have a situation where someone was in a course and uploaded a signed form as part of an assignment. Then they dropped out of the course so we unenrolled them from the course but now we need…
Can I re-open a quiz for a student while keeping all their previously entered questions intact?
Can I re-open a quiz for a student while keeping all their previously entered questions intact? From what I understand a quiz reset erases all their already completed work.
How to reorder gradebook items
I want to change the way my gradebook is set up. Currently everything is organized by categories, like Assigned Work (which contains the majority of the items), Weekly Tests, Extra Credit. But I want the items to appear instead in the order students complete them each week, like the first assignment in Week 1, the second…
Is there a way to pull survey data for multiple courses through the data hub?
The Advanced Data Set for Survey Results looks to pull only one Org unit ID at a time. Any information is appreciated. Thank you, Kathleen Benn
Textbook publisher syncing question
How do I delete duplicate assignments found when syncing with textbook publisher? Here is the message I received from McGraw Hill Connect. Unlinked assignments10 assignment(s) cannot be automatically re-linked because they do not have corresponding assignment names in Connect. If these assignments are not re-linked,…