Why are all page head links broken in v5.0 course offering template html files?
I'm not sure when they were released, or whether there's a fix. Or even, if anyone has the direct urls to all the css and js files in the page heads of the templates. That would be helpful.
New Content Experience error message "Opps, we are having trouble connecting you"
An instructor has reported consistently encountering an error message when trying to upload content files to their course using the New Content Experience. Interestingly, this issue does not occur when they switch back to the classic content experience. We’ve been unable to replicate the issue on our end, which suggests it…
Email to students who have not taken the quiz
How do I send an email only to the students who have not taken the quiz with a deadline that is soon?
WIdget Coding
Hi Team, I want to create a admin widget which allows for two files to be added and then compared to find the rows with changed data and then use APIs to update the user attributes in Brightspace. DOes anyone have anything like this built currently? Thanks Beck
how to submit course completion
i need to submit my completion document for academic probation
Implementing a Likert Scale Assessment
Hello, Has anyone had success implementing a Likert Scale assessment into their course? I know you can create Likert questions from within the Question Library and import them to a Survey, but are their other ways to do this within a course? Is it possible to assign point values to responses so students can get a sum total…
Customizing Elements
Is it possible to customize the color of inserted elements? For example, in a timeline, can you change the color of the headline and border something other than the default blue to better align with school branding?
POST Create Grade Item
I was in the wrong area when I posted this question the first time. Hopefully this time its being posted to the Development group. I have tried many combinations for sending data to create a gradebook item but I get the same error message. I have checked and rechecked the documentation and it appears to be correct. Anyone…
Is it possible to import a rubric that i created as a Word doc or do I have to re do the whole thing?
Dynamic Tool Registration
Hi There! I have a trouble while setting the Platform notification service and send institutional role while using the Api for dynamic registration . Can you please guide me for the payload for it
How can you view the learner's responses to a form in Brightspace LMS?
How can you view the learner's responses to the form? Can you download the results/summary of the responses externally?
Getting Not Authorized error when creating user
I am getting "Not Authorized" error while creating user in D2l. Scope given: "core:*:* users:userdata:create" Any help appreciated
SCORM Packages with Awards attached
Hi there, I have a SCORM package with an award attached to it - the release condition is the award is released when the content topic is completed. I updated the SCORM package and now some learners have lost their awards. I checked the Awards Issued data set and cannot find the students in there either. So, if you update a…
Although enrolled in online academy, will there be opportunities to participate in any optional hands on activities throughout the semester? For example, educational field trips. Or will that be on us as students to determine what we should participate in and engage with? Do you have suggestions of activities outside of…
Insert LaTeX Equation; Discussion post
Hi, I am a student, I wish to insert LaTeX formatted Equations in my discussion posts. Some of these commands do not work, even though it is included in the popup at: I'm looking to insert 2 equations, on separate lines. Desired Output Example: y = mx+b a^2 + b^2 = c^2 I've tried \newline but the preview shows them all on…
Submission file type changed after upload
I've had a strange experience wherein I uploaded a .dwg file (as a submitted assignment), then a .dxf file in the same assignment. I then deleted (moved to the trash bin) the .dwg file on the computer. I left both files on Brightspace. When I next looked at Brightspace, both were listed as .dxf files. Can anyone tell me…
How to bulk download annotated assignment submissions
For accreditation purposes, for some subjects we need to keep a record of marked up assignment submissions. As the cohorts are usually in excess of 400 students, we are seeking a bulk download option for the annotated submissions. Could anyone suggest a method?
Can you bulk download annotated documents
For a particular reason (accreditation), an academic needs to download annotated [marked] assignments. is it possible to download annotated documents marked in Brightspace?
Announcement broadcast
Will Brightspace automatically send all students registered for my class the welcome announcement? Do I need to recreate it for multiple notifications? And will Brightspace populate the class address book automatically with registered students' email addresses?
Is there a new recommended resolution for Module Banners?
We've recently updated our Brightspace to January 2025 and since the redesign of the module appearance, the banners on our modules have appeared slightly compressed and lost smooth edges, as if they don't have anti-aliasing. Has the recommended resolution for these banners changed or is there something else that we need to…