Competency assessment type
Can competencies be linked to an assessment type other than rubric or numeric? I've experimented with adding some pass/fail grade items to my gradebook; however the competency structure tool only shows numeric and rubric as possible grade types. Can any other grade item types be used?
LTI Iframe copy-paste rights
When using LTI in the content of a course there is an iframe being used to embed the LTI-tool. This iframe gets the following permissions in the allow-attribute: "camera *; microphone *; display-capture *; encrypted-media *; fullscreen *; autoplay *;" I'm missing the permissions to access the clipboard: clipboard-read…
SSO Integration D2L
Hello, I need to integrate with the D2L platform into our system called CERBRUM, but I am encountering some difficulties. Whenever I fill in the necessary parameters for the API request, even though they are theoretically correct, I receive the code 403 (Forbidden), as a response to the request. I believe that one of the…
intelligent agent attachment
Hello, I was able to generate a certificate with the participant s full name from the course Award, but i would like to add it to the intelligent agent. the intelligent agent, sends an email with the certificate in the email attachment but the certificate does not include the user s name, how could i change the settings to…
Sequencing practice bug?!
Hi there, I'm working on a team preparing tutorials for Creator+ tools as we roll them out to faculty next month. We're very excited about the tools and their potential for enhancing content and easy-to-create interactive experiences! That said . . . When going back to edit a previously-created sequencing practice, when…
Color Coding in Percentage Grading Scheme
Hi! I am looking to find the criteria for the different colors that appear in the gradebook when using the default "Percentage" grading scheme. Where can I find that information? Thanks!
Using Attendance as a release condition
Hi there- I'd like to have certain assignment folders/quizzes open based on a student's attendance to a specific lab session. I don't think this is possible at the moment, but in the future, do you think this feature would be added? Right now I have teaching assistants take attendance for labs using the gradebook which…
How to export a list of all users ?
When I try to export a list of users I receive a error message. Attached. Thanks, Andrew
Microsoft OneDrive
Hello. I worked with my IT department to get the Microsoft OneDrive LTI app set up in D2L. I then followed instructions from Microsoft on creating the deep linking quicklinks and insert stuff. Logged in as an instructor, I can see and use both features. As a student, I get a message that "This feature is not supported for…
I need to import the Quiz as excl file
I need to import the Quiz as excl file
Brightspace/Teams Course Connector (ShuffleExchange)
Good morning I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has successfully implemented the Brightspace/Teams Course Connector (ShuffleExchange) integration. Specifically, who in your organisation creates the teams and is this done using the widget or by a Microsoft Teams administrator. Regards, Marion
Where can I find the link to browse courses
I can’t find courses
how to export quiz from d2l
how to export quiz from d2l i cannot find export components
how to export quiz from d2l
how to export quiz from d2l
2 different 'Content' tab views: 'continue' button+table of contents, or navigation sidebar+content
Our courses have two different user experiences, and we want to make them consistent. The new content experience is enabled in all courses. Course A: Clicking 'Content' shows you this view, with a table of contents visible on the left side at all times (see 'E3 101 Getting Started: About this module' image): Course B:…
How to export a list of all users ?
Hello, I've been asked to export a list of all users in our Brightspace. I have the Administrator role, but I find how to export a list of users. Custom Reporting Framework is turned on. Am I missing something ? I see Report documentation related to the Course Catalog User Interface, but it seems our school doesn't have…
automatization of enrollment in groups.
Is there a way of automatizing the enrollment of students on a specific group within the course, by a professor clicking a button (in my case its assign from a reservation tool). And have the reverse option as well? By clicking again, unassign the student, and automatically remove the student from the group? Thank you,
Safari 13.1 on desktop not allowing video note recording?
I've had three Safari 13.1 desktop users on Macs report that when trying to record a video note, they only have an upload video option. Using Chrome or Firefox work immediately, or give them the pop-up for camera permissions and then work. Two of the users changed the browser settings from mic/camera access from "Ask" to…
How to show modules as visible but inaccessible with release conditions?
Hi. I'm setting up a course where module access is sequential, using release conditions (70% on the prior module's quiz). Currently, until the condition is met, the next module is completely hidden. I'd like it to be visible but locked. Is this possible? Thanks in advance!
Access Previous Course Submissions
Is there a way to access previously taken courses (and now ended) submissions? I am looking for a document in my Drive that I cannot find that was submitted Fall 2023 for a course.