BS locking up while trying to save
Over the past few weeks, BS has been locking up and going to a greyed-out screen when I am trying to save feedback. It has happened with different browsers, different courses, different assignments, and different networks.
Hi Lorn,
A couple of things to try:
- Run the System Check to ensure you're running a supported browser. Append /d2l/systemCheck to your Brightspace URL e.g., https://{your Brightspace URL}/d2l/systemCheck I assume that you are but doesn't hurt to check.
- Disable all browser extensions and add-ons - the method to do this will vary depending on your chosen browser. Thereafter try accessing Brightspace and see if the issue persists. If the issue 'disappears' enable the add-ons one by one and revalidate Brightspace still works until you find the issue.
- Check with your peers to see if they are also experiencing the same behaviour, if they are not the issue is likely to be with your setup - if possible replicate the issue with your local IT Support so they can take a look at the device and resolve any issue at that level
If none of the options help, please open a ticket with the D2L Support team to investigate the issue. You may need to connect with your institutions Learning Admin team to do this.
Hope this helps!
Thank you, Chris. I have run the system check and all is good. I have disabled all browser extensions, and I have not heard of any other people experiencing it. I might have narrowed it down to a rubric issue. If I figure something out, I will let you know.
Our faculty are reporting a similar issue.
I have narrowed it down to the learning standards that are outside of rubrics. I have some assignments set up with rubric and separate learning standards that I can click. When I select the learning standards it causes the issue sometimes. You can it in the right-hand side of my previous screen shot.
Our issue is with rubrics that do have learning outcomes added to each criteria.
Have you submitted a ticket? Perhaps we can link our tickets.
I haven't yet. I have 2 faculty reporting the issue and I have them both troubleshooting based on the suggestions on this thread. We've had some connectivity issues with internet services so I wanted to make sure that wasn't the issue.