Link cannot be edited

I have encountered a link within a course that cannot be edited. It appears to be a link to a Pearson registration page, when clicked we are redirected to an error message from Pearson stating that the course is not accepting registrations.

Could anyone provide insight into the following:

  • Why can this link not be edited, and why can't the URL be replaced with a more current version?
  • If this is an external learning tool, why is it labeled as a link and not as an ELT?
    I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this issue.

Thank you,


Best Answer

  • Olly.F.893
    Olly.F.893 Posts: 71
    Answer ✓

    I suspect it might only be possible to look into this one if someone loads up your Brightspace site, so I'd recommend raising a support case in this instance. To speed up how quickly they can look into it, it would be best to include the org unit id (the number at the end of the url when you're on the homepage for that course offering), and the name of the content topic / quick link, as well as which module / unit / folder it's in.