How do I make the most of widgets for our website. I want to learn new ways to use it. Noelle Byer UFCW Canada
How to change a course from Competency to Outcome?
Many of my existing courses are associated with the Competency feature. How do I change them to use Outcome instead? I needed the change to test out the LUMI PRO Outcome feature.
Is it possible to assign a quiz to one student only?
Is it possible to assign a quiz to one student only? So other students don't see it on their gradebook and/or to-do lists? Thank you
My assignment pdfs are forcing me to download them, not first view in browser.
My question relates to pdfs that I uploaded into the assignment section (e.g., samples). I tested this as me, going back in edit mode, and then "as learner". Both ways, it pushed me straight to finding where I wanted to save the download. It does not do this for what the students submit. It goes to view first (with a…
Share calendar events across multiple courses
Is it possible to share/post calendar events across multiple courses just like you can with assignments, announcements, etc? This saves a lot of time in instructional environments where there are frequent opportunities and events that are not preplanned. (so recommendations like exporting/importing are not ideal). This is…
Using A.I. in online discussions
Is anyone use A.I. in their online discussions (e.g., rewriting/improving discussion prompts and replies to student posts) or in other ways in their courses?
It would be great to have a user friendly slider in the gradebook to easily slide grades up and down. Here is an example of a mortgage calculator. Mortgage Calculator - Canadian Mortgage App It has the kind of slider I am suggesting for shifting the weights of assignments. That would be a neat way to have the assignments…
The Award Edit page that I create is blank.
The Award Edit page that I create is blank.
How to disconnect "Welcome widget?
How do i close "welcome widget" on my log in to my course (and not delete it or stop it for students?
where are the Release notes for this month Dec 2024
where are the Release notes for this month Dec 2024. We had new features added to day and I want to learn more about them
How to use APIs in Custom Widgets
I am attempting to use this endpoint: https://(our brightspace sandbox).brightspace.com/d2l/api/lp/1.9/enrollments/users/(test user ID that exists and has valid enrollments)/orgUnits Purpose - Create a Custom Widget that will allow students to see any Inactive Courses they are enrolled in by parsing JSON responses to pull…
Course Site Evaluators
Greetings! I wouldn't know if such a thing exists, but I am curious if there are individuals or communities that engage in course site evaluations. I teach an asynchronous graduate level course for an introduction to statistics. And, I am wondering if and how I could connect with any individuals with the pedagogical,…
Ability to allow Instructors to Opt-In/Opt-Out of New Content Experience (Lessons)
I just noticed in the administrator documentation that the configuration variables no longer allow for administrators to allow for instructors to Opt-in or Opt-out to use the New Content Experience (Lessons). When and what was the reasoning behind this deprecation? Thanks much. Travis
Very basic course offering/section question
Hi all, We've been on Brightspace since Summer 24 so still fairly new. I'm troubleshooting an issue we're having with Crosslisted courses and it's making me question how we have courses coming over via Ellucian ILP in the first place. So my very basic question is: Does a Course Offering have to have a Section associated…
Underlying SQL?
Once I create and analysis in the analytics builder using the GUI is there a way to get to the underlying SQL to make modifications?
Display Class Average to Users & Display Grade Distribution to Users Privacy Issues
Hi. I have an instructor who is concerned about privacy in a small class if she uses the Display Class Average to Users or the Display Grade Distribution to Users options in a Grade Item. She is afraid other students may figure out student grades. Is there any setting that requires a minimum number of users in order for…
Updating questions in an exam
I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this- I created an exam in my Sandbox and imported it along with the question library to my course instance. My exam runs partially on questions pools (draw 2 MCQs from Chapter 2 etc). When I look at the Question library in both my sandbox and my course, the questions are up to…
Options for sections
Is it possible in Brightspace to teach a course for several years and make a subdivision with sections per year, per period, per class. The content of the course is unchanged. The announcements, assignments, quizzes etc will change. It is possible to work with 1 course instead of creating a new course per year/period.
Error message when inputting grades
I have a faculty member who is putting in grades and they are getting an error message that instructs them to: Enter a non-zero denominator. They have been putting in grades for weeks now and up until today, putting in grades in the gradebook was not an issue. Then they opened the class today and this error came up having…
Suggestion: Add 'Only Show Users with Unpublished Submissions' Filter Option for Grading Assignments
When I grade an assignment that requires an attachment such as a Word document, I use the filter shown in Figure 1 below to find submissions I have not graded yet. After finding the new submissions, I select them all and click Download to download the attachments, as shown in Figure 2 below. The issue is when I reapply the…