Exporting Exam Banks
Is there is a way to export an exam bank from D2L?
How do I put in a support ticket now?
Browser Lockdown and Team Viewer (remote access)
Hello, I am wondering if Browser Lockdown can detect whether a laptop has been turned on for remote viewing from a third party? Like Team Viewer but more problematic as this remote viewing could be done within the Windows settings before the exam opens. Thanks in advance for an insights!
Grammarly and dropbox file submissions
Good Afternoon Everyone, Is there any way to get Grammarly to process a submitted file in D2L? The same page we have overall feedback textbox, which grammarly works for me in that area. But I want grammarly to look at the submitted file while in D2L. I have a few instructors stating it used to work in the past and when I…
Domo embed linked filters from url
Hi. Our team is publishing some domo embed cards directly on brightspace courses and we have to allow user to filter the data using two linked pfilters (parameters). The first parameter is the orgunitid that belongs to the course the teacher is watching and the second one is an activity name that is selected by the user.…
PowerPoint slides overlaying on top of each other when uploaded
Has anyone else had PowerPoint decks show every slide at once when uploaded as a file into Brightspace? If we turn it into a PDF it does not do this but we are hosting the files for instructors to download and then use when teaching the course. The deck is fine before and after it is uploaded and downloaded.
Best Practices with examples - Announcements
Does anyone have a best practices with examples for Announcements? I find our Announcements are very inconsistent with LARGE FONTS, Colors, Bold and some text that runs on forever. Thanks
Testing out my LTI 1.3 app
Hi, I've created an LTI 1.3 enabled app that successfully integrates with Canvas and Moodle. Some folks at an institution would like to use the app and they have D2L Brightspace. As I need to test out the integration process and document it for them, I'm unsure how I would go about doing this. Is there a way to get some…
Is there any way to create a custom homepage on the LMS for a specific user group?
Hey, I've been looking through the LMS homepage widgets and had a few questions. I can see when I create a custom widget, I have the option for release conditions, but is there anyway I can do the same for the other default widgets? like the My training or My courses? We have 2 sets of user groups using the LMS, so we'd…
Can we link a Learners grade for an assessment item into an email sent via an Intelligent Agent.
We have a course where students are enrolled ad hoc, so assessment items do not have a due date. We are wanting to use an Intelligent Agent to send a prompt email to students who have not submitted the second assessment more than two weeks after the first. This is currently a manual process, where we have found that…
Print a quiz
Hi, How do I print a quiz from Brightspace? I do not want the stats included, just a copy of the quiz with answers.
How do I export only score and grades to my section group in CSV file under GRADE ?
How do I export only score and grades to my section group in CSV file under GRADE ?
UGH!!! I so miss the Canvas Community that made SENSE and provided HELP
Should be an easy search. The running total of grades is not showing even when released. Instead of Industry, please provide resouces by tool.
Instructor was deleted from a course
The instructor was added to a course via an uploaded file. Last night the instructor was deleted from the course. What is the best to get him added back to the course?
User.UserData.LastAccessedDate relecting user creation date?
Hi all, Has anyone else noticed that /d2l/api/lp/(version)/users/(userId) always returns a value for LastAccessedDate, even if the user has never logged in? The above snippet is for a user created late yesterday afternoon via the API, and we know the user has yet to access our Brightpace environment. I'm wondering if this…
Instructor experience documentation for Merged Courses?
Our institution is using the course merge tool. I'm unable to find documentation about using merged courses from the instructor or student perspective. What changes take place to D2L functionality after a course merge? I would assume one could do things like have a release condition to have activities or announcements…
Deleted Content Suddenly Reappearing?!
Hi all, As of a few days ago, we've discovered that basically all of our class instances are appearing to have what we've dubbed 'zombie links' in the Content tab. More specifically, the Content tab has become populated with links to quizzes that were eventually deleted and then replaced with an updated version. The new…
Brightspace and OneDrive
Hi There, I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a resource which provides some details on sharing permissions for OneDrive file links added to content(NCE) when using the following workflows: Add>Existing>OneDrive> Select File/Folder Insert Quicklink>OneDrive> Select File/Folder. In testing using the…
Tagging people in discussion posts
Hi! I thought that tagging someone in a post would alert them somehow but my colleague tagged me and I received no notifications or alerts (either in Brightspace or even via email). Any thoughts on how to make sure that learners get notifications when tagged?
seeking some guidance on using ETL to generate data on completed rubrics
I am new to using Domo in the Insights Report Builder, so am hoping someone can provide some practical tips here. I have attempted to create several dataflows to generate what I need, but am finding that I am not making much progress. I need to generate a report that will show rubrics results for 5 specific courses. So…