Need W9 to setup d2L Brightspace up as a vendor for VMWare Academic license

Robert.B.13 Posts: 2 🔍
edited January 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
Hello - I have requested VMWare academic licenses on the VMware/D2L Brightspace portal (order # 17044658071671). I need to setup VMWare / d2L Brightspace up as a vendor in our Howard Univ purchasing system to get a purchase order created in order to pay for our VMWare academic license order. I need a D2L W9 to complete this vendor setup task. Can you assist ?


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 573 admin

    Hi @Robert.B.13
    I believe this request will have to be addressed by your school's help desk/Brightspace Administrator.
    I can connect with you by direct message if you're looking for help locating their contact information.