quiz statistics question stats not showing result

i have problem's there is quiz two type multi select and short answer students Finnish this quiz but the problem instructor not make Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion
then after she check the result only appearing question stats what she give marks manually
how to show Standard Deviation Discrimination
Biserial Index for another question
The point biserial only applies to questions with exactly one correct answer, so it wouldn't be calculated for either multi select or short answer questions.
hi stave
Thanks for your response
But i dont get any results as another quizzes same this kind of question then I get all questions state
Hi Ali,
The quiz statistics only capture data from the first attempt. It will also be affected if a question is edited after the attempt. There is more information on quiz statistics here.
thank stan for your quick response
If they instructor forgot to click option below
Is it effect the to show question status results and is there any solution so show the question setat details after submitting already