Can "Treat ungraded item as 0" be disabled?
Hi there, Is there a way to disable the "Treat ungraded item as 0" option in Gradebook settings? We don't want instructors to use this as it results in inaccurate reflection of students' current grades. Thank you, Amy Johnson
My learners say they can't see detailed quiz results
I graded their quizzes and publizhed the results, but my learners are telling me all they can see is their score, they can't see the detail (questions, their answers, correct answers, feedback, etc.). I checked my settings and I think I've set it correctly. Is it me, or is it them? (I have no idea where they should look,…
create upload video
how do I create and insert a video note?
Using Brightspace with OCaml
Hi, I'm trying to set up a new brightspace course for a course on functional programming in OCaml. I noticed that there's the ability to add code snippets to the page, but no syntax highlighting available for OCaml. Is it possible to fix that?
Analytics core guide - activity categories
Hi everyone. We're looking for the data associated with assignment categories on the data hub. where can I find the table and field that contains this information? Thank you.
No Course
When I logged in today I received the following message: You do not have access to any courses. Could you point me in the direction to fix this?
I'm new here so still trying to figure out how to use it. How can I access the main home page?
How can I get it to where I can view messages, documents, etc?
Course not showing up today
My course is not available for viewing today. Does anyone know how to access it? Thank you, Carlee
How do i access the video note tool? Where is it located?
How do I access the video note tool? Where is it located?
SCORM deployment options
We have noticed that there are very limited SCORM deployment options. As an example on exporting Articulate Rise which has main sections which have defined lessons (sub – section pages), the SCORM options on deployment in LZ are limited as a result this leads to limited SCORM statistics on viewing user engagement on…
Student acknowledgement checkbox that work is original, at time of submitting assignments
Hi, we seem to have lost the ability to add in a checkbox for students to check before submitting assignments, to declare that the submission is their own work. We always had this checkbox on hard copy submissions, and I think we had it previously on D2L but can't find it? Not only do we need this to close the academic…
Awards tool and FERPA?
I was curious if other Universities that are implementing the Awards tool in you courses have established policies around use, so that FERPA was not violated?
I am registered to the wrong school
In the mobile app, it says I am a student of SUNY Adirondack. I took one class there last semester as a high school student. How do I make sure brightspace knows that I am going to SUNY Oneonta instead.
Designing a Form, With Checklist, For Students to Submit With Assignments
I would like to design a form for students to submit with many of their written assignments. Specifically, I would like to have a form where they note the extent of use of AI/ChatGPT with many submissions. I would include a checklist describing possible uses of AI, and a category of "Other" for them to describe the use. I…
Lost survey
How do I find the link I lost. I am looking for a link that used to take students to the survey. However I am unable to find it now. The link is normally supposed to take you to 3rd year survey, however it is now taking students to the 4th year survey link.
Is it possible for Instructors to import feedback comments to the Grades Tool
Hi There, I'm wondering if there is any way for instructors to import feedback comments via the Import function within the Grades Tool? Currently the csv file only contains columns for whatever Grade items have been selected for export. Is it possible to add a feedback column for import when populated? A similar query was…
At what address does this conference take place? Is there a recommended hotel where I can stay during this conference? Thanks!
Embedded Videos
Greetings! I've been trying to embed videos (which I store in YuJa) into various pages throughout my course sites. Oddly, I've noticed that the control panel, typically found at the bottom of the frame, does not disappear after a few seconds. It stays visible throughout the entire video. I thought it was the case that…
How can I change the start and end dates for a fixed midterm for one student?
SSO Debugging
We have SSO configured on our Live and Test Brightspace instances, usually without any problems but very occasionally some people report that they get the "There was a problem processing your authentication". These users all have active Brightspace accounts. I am assuming that the issue is that ADFS is sending the SAML…