Create user via Classlist, username issue
We'd like to use Email as the login. However, the system doesn't allow it via the course when creating a user in Classlist. Where might I be able to fix that? We're able to use email if we create accounts via course merchant or if an admin creates them. Thanks, Scott
Homepage widget file confusion
I'm a new administrator here and I am trying to update a file called Academic Resources on our organization homepage that is in a Helpful Links widget. This same file is also in the course homepages. I've gone to the Public File Management and located the file and made the edits but it only updates in the course homepages…
Adoption Dashboard - Insights Portak
For Insights Portal > Adoption Dashboard, Tool Usage comparison. It shows tool usage across my various faculties. how do i normalise the data for comparative across faculties? because currently larger faculities will naturally have higher usage counts. tks for advice.
Grade Export
Hi all, Probably a really stupid question, I apologise in advance. The techs who used to look after our Brightspace integration have now left and it appears that we have a link from Brightspace into our student records system which imports the grades which have been entered in Brightspace. We are having issues with that…
how to enroll Teaching Assistants
I have my TAs' Net Ids (our org-defined ID) but a search using Classlist returns no results. What are the steps for enrolling TAs?
How can I set up a grade item that calculates all grades earned in 1 week, but has a maximum value?
Some background: My class is based on a 1000 pt scale. I've made it so they can come to class OR do work at home (if they're sick/need a day off, etc., without emailing me and asking what to do). The way I have set it up, each week I offer students up to (for example) 75 points, but the week has a MAXIMUM number of points…
changing individual discussion topics to group discussion topics
Hi! I have a whole bunch of discussions that were set up originally and I would like to convert them to group discussions. I have set up the group already, and it allowed me to make one of the topics a group discussion as I was setting up the group. I would like to do the same for all the other discussion topics, but I…
Checklists always visible under Course Tools>
An instructor just brought to my attention that Checklists, even ones that are not visible or have a start date that has not been reached, can be accessed by students under Course Tools>Checklist. Instructors often want checklists to only be accessible after a certain time so this causes problems. Is there a workaround for…
Can I make surveys worth 1 point?
In my class, I ask students to complete a survey at the end of every week. To encourage responses, every survey is worth a single point. There are no wrong answers: everyone who fills it out gets the point. I haven't found a way to automate this process, so I've been manually creating a graded item for every survey, and…
Deleted Content
I have a professor who has deleted content from their course, an entire module. I'm not sure if they permanently deleted them or what options were selected. I was wondering if there is a way to potentially recover that information? Is there a way to restore deleted modules>
Quiz Results View
I have a faculty member who would like to have two different results displayed to students when they complete their quiz based off which attempt they are on. On Attempt 1 they would like to see the questions they answered and got correct. On Attempt 2 they would like to see all questions and show the student the correct…
Can discussions be shared among two or more courses?
We have a couple of instructors who would like to share announcements, discussions, or both between courses, as they're teaching similar topics. Is this doable without cross-listing the courses?
How to I connect brightspace to Mcgraw hill Connects?
How to I connect brightspace to Mcgraw hill Connects?
Creating or importing new users from a course
Good day, I'm wondering if its possible to customize or even change some of the settings when creating a new user via the Classlist. For example, if you attempt to use the Create and Enroll user you don't have the option to set a username and the Org Defined ID is a required field. But if I use Import Users from file…
Page elements
How do I copy & paste page elements (e.g., an icon callout) from the 07-elements template onto a web page I am working on that uses a different template? Do I have to create a "fake" page in the elements template that I can copy from?
when will the new content experience be permanent?
Use cases for Quiz Evaluation settings
I'm not clear on what happens when the various options are checked or not: If I don't click Auto-publish results, what does that do with the results? Where would I find them? What if I do click "Auto-publish", but NOT "Synchonize..." What would happen then? Can you describe a use case when the "Auto-publish" option should…
Checklists and Completion Summary
Has anyone else had an issue with the completion summary for checklists displaying incorrect information. For instance as an instructor in the course I see in the completion summary that all of my students have 9 of 9 items checked off in their checklist, however I know that at least one of the students hasn't even logged…
Why do URLs within assignment submission show up as sticky notes when grading
We recently noticed that when a student submits a doc/pdf to the assignment folder, any links are automatically made into sticky notes when the instructor is grading. This is strange and confusing for instructors. We've looked through recent updates to see if there is something that might have caused this new and…
How to enable new content experience