How can we have bonus items replace a student's lowest grade?

Shania.P.918 Posts: 2 🔍
edited November 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
We have bonus quizzes and assignments. We want these quizzes and assignments to replace a student's lowest grade IF they complete the extra credit. Additionally, we want an extra credit evaluation to add one point to the student's final exam if they complete it, how can we do this?


  • Alex.V.58
    Alex.V.58 Posts: 173 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi Shania, the functionality of bonus items cannot currently be customized in this way. Bonus grades can only be added onto final grades that have already been calculated. However, I have passed your feedback on to the right folks. I would also encourage you to visit the product exchange and vote on this product suggestion which is similar to what you are asking here!


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